Page 5 - I n t e r c e s s o r y Prayer W o r k b o o k
P. 5

Monday: The Power Of Intercession Part 1

               1 Timothy 2:2 (NIV)

               I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all
               people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
               godliness and holiness.
                   ❖  Further Study: Listen to the teaching The Power Of Intercession Part 1 & 2

               Important Notes

                       God has given us authority through prayer to determine what happens in our cities and
                       nations, He holds us responsible.

                       If their being in authority is inconsistent with our living peaceful and quiet lives, then we
                       have the authority to pray to have them removed from office or from our streets.

                       The bible says that angels are ministering spirits sent to minister to those who will be
                       heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14)

                       Do you realise that we can despatch angels into the streets of our cities, to patrol the
                       streets and haul wicked men and criminals into the hands of the law, we can’t just keep
                       quiet, we have to pray! They have no way of escape if we would pray like this.

                       We are those that God has raised up in this hour and in this day to stand in the place of
                       His Son Jesus in the earth, and we can determine what happens in our cities?

                       Sometimes when we intercede about a subject and we are about to prevail we stop too
                       soon (Genesis 18:23-33) Don’t stop until you prevail.

                       We should learn to intercede until our spirits gain the dominion and we burst out in
                       praise. That means you come to a point where you’re offering sacrifices of thanksgiving
                       and praise to God as a result of your intercession.  Then only will your confessions
                       create realities.

                       Be sensitive to yield to the promptings of the Spirit to intercede.

                       Never think for a time that others are praying.  At a time when the Spirit of God is
                       prompting you to pray, you could be the only one in the whole world at that time that
                       could pray and make the difference. All God needs is one man to make up the hedge
                       and you could just be the only one that God is depending on at that time.

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