Page 7 - I n t e r c e s s o r y Prayer W o r k b o o k
P. 7
Tuesday: Spiritual Warfare Series: Keys Of The
Kingdom (Part 1)
Matthew 16:18 -19(KJV)
…I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto
thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound
in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
❖ Further Study: Watch the teaching titled Spiritual Warfare: Keys Of The Kingdom (Part 1)
Important Notes
Satan has a structured kingdom that is not divided (Matthew 12:24-26)
Even though Satan has a structure, the number one fact is that Satan is defeated and
has lost his authority together with his cohorts of hell. Although defeated, he is still
If you would be successful in spiritual things, you’d have to understand the nature of the
adversary. Jesus gave us clear insight into the nature of the Devil. So, you have to study
the bible to understand the nature of the adversary. (Mark 3:27)
Nations, cities etc have structures also as the angelic have structures and have God’s
Angels appointed over them, and Satan also has his Angels appointed over them. (Daniel
As Daniel was moved to pray because the time of Israel’s deliverance had come, there
are times you know in your spirit that something needs to change (Daniel 9:20-23). You
must take advantage of that knowledge and intuition at the time or else you might lose
the moment and lose the opportunity.
When you know in your spirit that the time has come for a change, you start praying
about it. If prayer doesn’t change it then add fasting to it. If it still doesn’t change, wait a
little and start over again.
How do we pray about things like this? In Matthew 16:18 -19, Jesus gave the church
keys of the kingdom to bind and loose things and beings that are in heaven while we are
on earth.
Demonic beings can be bound and also loosed by commands given to Angels to do it
according to Revelation 9:13-16 and Revelation 20:1-3.