Page 381 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 381
May not interfere with the defensive player's opportunity to make a play
Effect - Sec 10.1.6: The ball is dead and if this interference is
With a defensive fielder’s attempt to retire a runner,
The runner closest to home plate at the time of the interference shall be called out,
Other runners are returned to the last base held at the time of the interference,
unless forced because the batter became a runner.
With a defensive fielder attempting to catch a fly ball, or with a fly ball that a fielder is
attempting to catch,
The batter-runner shall be called out, and
Runners are returned to the base held at the time of the pitch.
Batting Order
a. The batting order must show the first and last name, uniform number and the position on
the line-up card and must be delivered before the game by the manager or captain to the
plate umpire. In Unified, the line-up card shall designate “A” for athlete and “P” for partner next
to that players’ information.
b. The batting order of each team must be on the score sheet/line-up card and must be
delivered before the game by the manager or captain to the plate umpire. He shall submit it
to the inspection of the manager or captain of the opposing team.
UNIFIED) The batting order shall alternate athletes and partners.
NOTE: If playing under the shorthanded rule and the team has dropped a Partner, an out must be
taken when the line-up reaches that partner’s place in the batting order.
The batting order delivered to the umpire must be followed throughout the game unless a
player is replaced by a substitute. When this occurs, the substitute must take the place of the
removed player in the batting order.
The first batter in each inning shall be the batter whose name follows that of the last player
who completed a turn at bat in the preceding inning.
If the error is discovered while the incorrect batter is at bat
The correct batter may legally take his place, and assume the ball and strike count
of the incorrect batter.
Any runs scored or bases run while the incorrect batter is at bat shall be legal.
If the error is discovered after the incorrect batter has completed his turn at bat and before a
legal or illegal pitch has been made to another batter.
The player who should have batted is out.
Any advance or score made as a result of the improper batter becoming a batter-
runner shall be nullified. Any out that is made prior to discovering this infraction,
remains out.
The next batter is the player whose name follows that of the player called out for
failing to bat. If the next player was the incorrect batter who was called out, go to
the next person in the line-up.
26 VERSION: June 2018
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