Page 383 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 383
Note: Sec. 10.4.1 & 10.4.2 The batter cannot legally swing at any pitched ball that hits the ground or
plate. However, if the batter swings and misses the pitch prior to the ball hitting the ground or plate,
it is a strike.
Effect - Sec. 10.4.1 & 10.4.2: The ball is dead and runners may not advance.
For each foul tip.
Effect - Sec. 10.4.3: The batter is out if it is the third strike. The ball is dead on any strike.
For each foul ball when the batter has less than two strikes.
For each foul ball, including the third strike.
For each pitched ball struck at and missed which touches any part of the batter.
When any part of the batter's person or clothing is hit with his own-batted ball when he is in
the batter's box and he has less than two strikes.
When a pitched ball hits the batter while the ball is in the strike zone.
When the batter fails to enter the batter's box within 10 seconds after the umpire calls "PLAY
When an offensive team member deliberately erases the lines of the batter’s box.
When, between pitches, the batter leaves the batter’s box illegally or does not return to the
batter’s box. No pitch has to be thrown.
Effect - Sec. 10.4.4-11: The ball is dead and runners must return to their bases without liability to be
put out.
A Ball is Called by the Umpire
For each legally pitched ball that
Does not enter the strike zone.
Touches the ground before reaching home plate.
Touches home plate and at which the batter does not swing.
The batter swings at, after the ball hits the ground or home plate.
Effect: The ball is dead. Runners may not advance.
For each illegally pitched ball not swung at.
Effect: The ball is dead. Runners may not advance.
When a delivered ball by the pitcher hits the batter outside of the strike zone.
For each excessive warm-up pitch.
Effect: The ball is dead. Runners may not advance.
When the catcher fails to return the ball directly to the pitcher as required.
When the pitcher fails to pitch the ball within 10 seconds.
Effect: The ball is dead and runners may not advance.
The Batter is Out
When the third strike is:
swung at and missed and the ball touches any part of the batter's person.
not swung at and the pitched ball hits the batter while the pitch is in the strike
When a batter enters the batter's box with, or is discovered using, an altered bat.
28 VERSION: June 2018
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