Page 386 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 386
Goes directly off the fielder's glove or body and over the fence in fair territory, or
makes contact with the top of the fence and goes over the fence in fair territory, or
Contacts the foul pole above the fence line.
Effect - Sec. 11.1.5: The batter-runner is awarded a home run and must touch all bases in
regular order.
Exception: If
The ball passes out of the grounds at a distance less than those
prescribed in Rule 2, Sec 1, or
A fair-batted fly ball goes off a fielder's glove or body and over the
fence in foul territory, or
A fair-batted fly ball first contacts the fence, deflects off a fielder and
then goes over the fence, the batter-runner shall be awarded two bases
from the time of the pitch.
Note: The point at which the fence is less than the prescribed distance
from home plate shall be plainly marked for the umpire's guidance.
When any person, other than a team member, enters the playing field and interferes with
A fair batted ground ball, or
A fielder about to field or catch a thrown ball, or
A fielder about to throw a ball, or
A ball thrown by a fielder.
Effect - Sec. 11.1.6: The ball is dead and the batter-runner shall be awarded the base or
bases he would have made, in the umpire's judgment, had the interference not occurred.
Batter-Runner is Out
When a fielder legally catches a fly ball before it touches the ground, or any object or person
other than a defensive player.
When, after hitting a fair ball, he is tagged while off base or thrown out prior to reaching first
When he fails to advance to first base and instead enters his team area
After a fair ball is hit, or
After a base on balls is issued, or
Anytime that he may legally advance to first base.
When an Infield Fly is declared.
Effect - Sec. 11.2.1-11.2.5: The ball is in play and runners may advance at their own risk.
Exception: When the ball is dead on an intentional walk, or on a base on balls, the batter-runner is not
out and runners cannot advance unless forced.
When, after he hits a fair ball, he touches only the fair portion of the double base on his first
attempt at that base and a play is made at the base.
Effect – Sec. 11.2.6: This is an appeal play and the defensive team loses the
privilege of putting the batter-runner out, if the appeal is not made before he
returns to first base, after over-running the base.
When he:
Runs outside the one meter (3 ft) lane and, in the umpire's judgment, interferes
31 VERSION: June 2018
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