Page 390 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 390


                         SPORT RULES

                                      A Delayed Dead Ball should be signaled, with the ball remaining alive until the end
                                     of the play.
                                      The obstructed runner, and each other runner affected by the obstruction, will
                                     always be awarded the base or bases they would have reached, in the umpire's
                                     judgment, had there been no obstruction.  If the umpire feels there is justification,
                                     a defensive player making a fake tag could be ejected from the game.
                                      If the obstructed runner is put out prior to reaching the base he would have
                                     reached had there not been   obstruction, a dead ball is called. The obstructed
                                     runner and each other runner affected by the obstruction will be awarded the base,
                                     or bases, they would have reached, in the umpire's judgment had obstruction not
                                      An obstructed runner may never be called out between the two bases where he
                                     was obstructed:, Exception:
                                                If the obstructed runner commits an act of interference after the
                                               obstruction is ruled, or the runner is legally appealed for
                                        Missing a base, unless the runner has been obstructed at
                                                            that base and the obstruction prevents him from
                                                            touching the base, or
                                         Leaving a base before a fly ball was first touched, of (c)
                                                  If the obstructed runner safely obtains the base he would have been
                                               awarded, in the umpire’s judgment, and there is a subsequent play on a
                                               different runner, the obstructed runner is no longer protected between
                                               the bases where the runner was obstructed, and may be put out. The
                                               ball remains alive.
                                         Catcher obstruction on the batter is covered.
                             Note: Obstructed runners are still required to touch all bases in proper order, or they could
                             be called out on a proper appeal by the defensive team.
                             Exception:   If a runner is obstructed at a base preventing the runner from touching that

                            When a fielder intentionally contacts, or catches a fair batted, thrown, or pitched ball with his
                            cap, helmet, mask, protector, pocket, detached glove or any part of his uniform that is
                            detached from its proper place on his person.
                            Effect - Sec. 11.7.3:  All runners, including the batter-runner, shall be entitled to
                                      Three bases from the time of the pitch if on a fair batted ball, or
                             Exception – Sec.  If the illegal catch or touch is made on a fair hit ball that, in the
                             umpire’s judgment, would have cleared the outfield fence in flight, the batter-runner shall be
                             awarded a home run.
                                      Two bases from the time of the throw if on a thrown ball, or in each situation, they
                                     may advance farther at their own risk, as the ball remains alive.
                            When the ball is in play and is overthrown (beyond the boundary lines) or is blocked.
                            Effect:  All runners, including the batter-runner, shall be awarded two bases, and the award
                            will be governed by the position of the runners when the ball left the fielder's hand.  Runners
                            may return to touch a base left too soon on a caught fly ball, or a missed base. If two runners
                            are between the same bases, the award is based on the position of the lead runner.

                35                                                                               VERSION: June 2018
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