Page 391 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 391


                         SPORT RULES

                                      When a fielder loses possession of the ball such as on an attempted tag, and the
                                     ball enters the dead ball area or becomes blocked, each runner is awarded one base
                                     from the last base touched at the time the ball entered the dead ball area or
                                     became blocked.
                                      If a runner touches the next base and returns to his original base, the original base
                                     he left is considered the "last base touched'' for purposes of an overthrow award.
                                      If the ball becomes blocked due to offensive team equipment, the ball is ruled dead
                                     and runners are returned to the last base touched at the time of the blocked ball.
                                     If the blocked ball prevented the defense from making a play, the runner being
                                     played on is called out.  (If this player has scored prior to the blocked ball being
                                     ruled, the runner closest to home is called out).
                            When a fair-batted fly ball
                                      Goes over the fence,
                                      Goes directly off the fielder's glove or body and over the fence in fair territory, or
                                     makes contact with the top of the fence and goes over the fence in fair territory, or
                                      Contacts the foul pole above the fence level.
                            Effect:  The ball is dead and all runners shall be entitled to advance to home plate.
                            Exception:  If
                                      The ball passes out of the grounds at a distance less than those prescribed in Rule
                                     2, Sec. 1, or
                                      A fair-batted fly ball goes off a fielder's glove, or body, and over the fence in foul
                                     territory, or
                                      A fair-batted fly ball that goes off the fence, deflects off the fielder and then over
                                     the fence, then runners shall be awarded two bases from the time of the pitch.
                            When a fair ball bounces over, or rolls under or through a fence or any designated boundary
                            of the playing field.  Also, if it deflects off
                                      A defensive player or an umpire, or
                                      A runner, after passing a fielder, excluding the pitcher, and provided no other
                                     fielder had a chance to make an out and goes out of play in foul territory.
                             Effect: The ball is dead and all runners are awarded two bases from time of pitch.
                            When a live ball is unintentionally carried by a fielder from playable territory into dead ball
                            Note: A fielder carrying a live ball into the dugout or team area to tag a player is considered
                            to have unintentionally carried it there.

                            Effect:  The ball is dead and all runners are awarded one base from the last base touched at
                            the time the fielder entered dead ball territory.
                            When, in the umpire's judgment, a fielder intentionally carries, kicks, pushes, or throws a live
                            ball from playable territory into dead ball territory.
                            Note: A dead ball line is considered in play.
                            Effect:  The ball is dead and all runners are awarded two bases from the last base touched at
                            the time the fielder entered, or the ball was kicked, pushed, or thrown into, dead ball
                            When any person, other than a team member, enters the playing field and interferes with

                36                                                                               VERSION: June 2018
                                                                                          © Special Olympics, Inc.,  2018
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