Page 389 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 389


                         SPORT RULES

                            Bases left too soon on a caught fly ball must be retouched prior to advancing to awarded
                            Awarded bases must be touched in legal order.
                     Exception:  Unless a runner is obstructed at a base preventing the runner from touching that base.
                     Effect - Sec. 11.4.5-8:  The runner shall be declared out, if the defense makes a legal appeal before
                     the next legal or illegal pitch.
                     Runners are entitled to advance with liability to be put out
                            When a pitched ball is batted.
                            On a thrown ball or fair batted ball that is not blocked.
                            On a thrown ball that hits an umpire.
                            When a legally caught fly ball is first touched.
                            When a fair batted ball
                                      Strikes an umpire or a runner after having passed a fielder other than the pitcher
                                     and provided no other fielder had a chance to make an out, or
                                      Has been touched by a fielder, including the pitcher.
                            When a live ball becomes lodged in a defensive player’s uniform or equipment.
                     Effect - Sec. 11.5.1-6: The ball is in play.
                     A Runner Forfeits His Exemption From Liability to be Put Out
                            If, at any time, he fails to touch a base he is entitled to before attempting to make the next
                     Exception:  If a runner is obstructed at a base preventing the runner from touching that base.
                            If, after overrunning first base, he attempts to continue to second base.
                            If, after dislodging a base, he attempts to continue to the next base.
                            When advancing beyond an entitled base due to
                                      A fielder intentionally contacting a thrown ball with detached equipment.
                                      A fielder intentionally contacting a fair batted ball with detached equipment.
                            When advancing beyond a protected or awarded base when he has been obstructed.
                     Runners are Entitled to Advance Without Liability to be Put Out
                            When forced to vacate a base because the batter was awarded a base on balls.
                     Effect - Sec. 11.7.1: The ball is dead.

                            When a fielder prevents the runner from making a base, or impedes the progress of a runner
                            or batter-runner who is legally running bases; if the fielder is
                                      Not in possession of the ball, or
                                      Not in the act of fielding a batted ball, or
                                      Making a fake tag without the ball
                                      In possession of the ball and he pushes a runner off a base in an attempt to gain an
                                     out, or
                                      In possession of the ball, but not in the act of making a play on the runner which
                                     intentionally impedes the progresso0f that runner or batter-runner who is legally
                                     running the bases.
                     Effect - Sec. 11.7.2: When any obstruction occurs (including a rundown)

                34                                                                               VERSION: June 2018
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