Page 382 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 382
If the batter declared out under these circumstances is the third out, the correct
batter in the next inning shall be the player who would have come to bat had the
player been put out by ordinary play.
If the third out is made on a runner prior to the discovery of the infraction, an
appeal may still be made in order to reinstate the correct batting order. This
appeal, if made, does not result in an additional out.
If the error is discovered after the first legal or illegal pitch to the next batter:
The turn at bat of the incorrect batter is legal.
All runs scored and bases run are legal.
The next batter in order shall be the one whose name follows that of the incorrect
No one is called out for failure to bat.
Players who have not batted and who have not been called out have lost their turn
at bat until reached again in the regular order
No runner shall be removed from the base he is occupying to bat in his proper place. He
merely misses his turn at bat with no penalty. The batter following him in the batting order
becomes the legal batter.
Exception: The batter-runner who has been taken off the base by the umpire as stated above.
When the third out in an inning is made before the batter has completed the turn at bat, that
batter shall be the first batter in the next inning, and the ball and strike count shall be
Batting Position
The batter must take his position in the batter’s box within 10 seconds after the umpire has
declared “Play Ball”.
Effect - Sec 10.3.1: The umpire shall call a strike. A pitch does not need to be thrown and the ball
becomes dead.
An offensive team member may not, under any circumstances, deliberately erase the lines of
the batter’s box at any time during a game. This includes a coach erasing the lines during the
pre-game meeting.
Effect – Sec 10.3.2: If a batter erases the lines, the umpire shall call a strike. A pitch does not need to
be thrown and the ball becomes dead. If the coach or a non-playing team member erases the lines, a
strike shall be called on the next scheduled batter (or his substitute) in the line-up.
Note: Should any person continue to deliberately erase a line after a first offense, that person shall
be ejected from the game
The batter must have both feet completely within the batter's box prior to the start of the
pitch. He may touch the lines, but no part of his foot may be outside the lines prior to the
A Strike is Called by the Umpire
For each legally pitched ball entering the strike zone before touching the ground and at
which the batter does not swing.
Exception: It is not a strike if the pitched ball touches home plate and is not swung at.
For each pitched ball including an illegal pitch, struck at and missed by the batter.
27 VERSION: June 2018
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