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       Communication                                                       Your  Pathway  to  the  ASM
                                                                           Young  Ambassador’s  World
                                                                                              2019  Issue 4

      In this issue:                   1. Editorial

      1. Editorial                     It  is  a  huge  honor  to  be  the  first  ASM  Young  Ambassador  to  Mexico,  a
                                       member  of  Young  Leaders  Circle  (YLC),  and  a  Chair  of  the  YLC.  These
      2. Ambassador spotlight          appointments have being greatly rewarding. I work as research professor at
                                       the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where I am a founder
                                       of the Microbiomics Laboratory. I also serve as a coordinator for the Master
      3. Interview with Ron            Program in Teaching for High-School Education.
                                       My  research  focuses  on  environmental  microbiology  and  the  use  of
      4. ALAM 2018: Highlights         bioinformatic  techniques  to  analyze  genomic  data  to  explore  the
                                       composition  and  genetic  potential  of  microbial  communities.  My  ASM
      5. What is happening in          activities  included  the  creation  of  the  ASM-UNAM  Prize  for  Mexican
         ASM                           Undergraduate Research in Microbiology, the celebration of the International
                                       Microorganism  Day  in  Mexico,  the  implementation  of  ASM  Workshops,  the
      6. ASM International             organization of student seminars, leading activities for the YLC, among others.
         Student Chapters
                                       Here I would like to thank ASM President Michele Swanson, ASM Past President
      7. Featured publications         Peggy  Cotter,  ASM  CEO  Stefano  Bertuzzi,  Membership  Committee  Chair
                                       Steven Specter, and all of the leadership. I am thankful to Kirsten Bartlett for all
      8. Smithsonian and ASM           her dedicated work as our Program Coordinator; it is a true privilege to count
         spreading “Outbreak”          on Kirsten's support.

         around the world              I  am  delighted  to  work  with  Elena  Schneider,  Solima  Sabeel,  Tatiana  Pinto,
                                       and  Faheem  Shahzad  in  the  YLC.  I  am  also  thankful  with  Past  YLC  Chairs,
      9. Women in                      Tomislav Mestrovic and Diogo Proença, who were my YLC mentors. I had the
         Microbiology                  opportunity to welcome Laura Oliveira, Payal Maharaj and Roshan Nepal to
                                       join the YLC this year. I am sure they will continue to do an amazing job. Finally
      10.I wanna ask YA…               I would like to give a very special shout out to Tatiana Pinto who will succeed
         (Q&A for YA)                  me and who will became the first woman to lead the YLC and the first Chair
                                       of South American origin. Tatiana you have a bright future.
      11.Your YLC Team
                                       It is my  pleasure  to  present  this forth issue  of our  Newsletter  to  you. First  we
      12. Inspirational quote          welcome  new  appointed  Young  Ambassadors  and  YLC  members.  Young
                                       Ambassadors  are  prolific  publishers  and  this  Newsletter  features  recent
                                       collaborative publications. You will read about the professional background
                                       of selected Ambassadors and an insightful interview with Ron Xavier, former
                                       Young  Ambassador  to  New  Zealand  and  member  of  the  ASM  Board  of
                                       Directors. You will find out about Student Chapters activities and update on
                                       upcoming ASM events. The Newsletter also provides you a report about the
                                       ALAM  Conference,  a  summary  for  the  Smithsonian  and  ASM  spreading
                                       “Outbreak” around the world, and highlights a joint series of seminars about
                                       Women in Microbiology.

                                       Remember  this  is  your  Newsletter;  we  encourage  you  to  send  us  your
                                       questions  and  queries.  We  invite  you  to  visit  our  new  website  and  send  us
                                       information about you and your dedicated work.

     Luis E. Servín Garcidueñas, PhD   Thank you ASM. It has been an honor to be working with an incredible group
   ASM Young Ambassador to Mexico  of scientists, friends, and colleagues. I feel humbled for all the opportunities to
   Chair of ASM Young Leaders Circle  ensure the missions of the ASM Young Ambassador Program and the YLC.
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