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2. Ambassador spotlight (International YA)

                                             DOUGNON Tamègnon Victorien (Benin)

      •Current position: Lecturer-Researcher
      •Research field: Microbiology
      •Number of years serving as ASM YA: 1 year
      •Last ASM sponsored event: Training of Students from the Human Biology’s Department on the
      topic: Skills of scientific writing and importance of biostatistics
      •Next ASM sponsored event: Organization of a public conference on "The Importance of
      Animal Models for Microbiology Research: A Solution for Better Exploration of Traditional
      •Why should a young student join ASM? A young student needs to get skills in his field. ASM is
      one of the oldest society in Microbiology and related areas. Being involved in such society will
      help the young student to get experience, to know some elders for future collaborations. The
      young scientist will also have access to books, articles and magazines strictly related to his
      specialization. All these opportunities will help him to build a strong career as scientist or lab
      •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? As an ambassador for the American Society
      for Microbiology, my colleagues' eyes have changed. Many young people feel that it is
      possible to achieve good results by working hard. My fondest memory is for those students who
      come closer to me and ask me to mentor them. Beninese youth is very proactive. It is enough
      to frame them by putting at their disposal the possible opportunities. And the framework
      offered by the ASM is timely. Despite the language barrier (Benin is a French-speaking country),
      strong adhesion is noted. It deeply affects me to contribute to the growth of science and to
      inspire the passion of the microbiology that animates me to my compatriots.

                                            Eduardo Rodriguez-Roman (Venezuela)

      •Current position: Research Associate
      •Research field: Epidemiology and Molecular Evolution of (Re-) Emerging Viruses
      •Number of years serving as ASM YA: >1 year, <2 years
      •Last ASM sponsored event: 2nd ASM Virtual Workshop on Publishing and Scientific Writing;
      Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World
      •Next ASM sponsored event: LXIX Annual Convention of the Venezuelan Association for the
      Advancement of Science (AsoVAC), Nov, 2019
      •Why should a young student join ASM? Being a member of the ASM opens doors in the
      scientific research field, particularly in microbiology. I think that for a young student with a
      strong interest in microbiology would be essential to become a member of the ASM, the
      microbiologists' largest network around the world. Being a member of the ASM goes beyond
      having access to all your journals, but also allows you to connect with the most prominent
      scientists in each branch of microbiology, creating discussion groups in your field, allows you to
      expose your name in large events like Microbe. Even, allows you to be a prominent member for
      the execution of ASM activities.
      •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? The best experience I have had as a Young
      Ambassador is to meet young (and not so young) researchers from all over the world. Thus, we
      have been able to exchange ideas, cultures and even flavors from each country. Being an
      ASM YA is already a unique experience for a young scientist.

                                                        Md Zohorul Islam (Bangladesh)

    •Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health,
    Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
    •Research field: Currently my research focuses on antimicrobial resistance, host-microbiome
    interaction, and role of microbiome on health of human and animals
    •Number of years serving as ASM YA: 2 years
    •Last ASM sponsored event: ASM sponsored scientific writing workshop for ASM international
    student chapter’s member at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
    •Next ASM sponsored event: ASM sponsored workshop on career talk with a microbiologist.
    •Why should a young student join ASM? A student can get many benefits by joining ASM, for
    example, a wide range of networking opportunities with national and international researchers,
    benefit from travel grants and fellowships, and access to online learning and training materials.
    •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? The best experience to me is the networking
    opportunities with peers locally and globally. It is such a nice platform for sharing ideas and
    helping other people.
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