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2. Ambassador spotlight (US YA)

                                                             Kinjal Majumder (Missouri)

     •Current position: Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Missouri
     •Research field: Virology
     •Number of years serving as ASM YA: 1 year
     •Last ASM sponsored event: Graduate School Panel Discussion and Opening of Mizzou-ASM
     •Next ASM sponsored event: Outbreak Exhibit (in collaboration with the Columbia Public
     Library and Smithsonian Institution)
     •Why should a young student join ASM? ASM provides ample opportunities and resources for
     students in all stages of education to network with colleagues, explore different areas of
     microbiology to find what excites them most and engage with their local community to show
     that microbiology is meaningful for everyone. These benefits of ASM membership help to make
     students professionally competent.
     •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? My favorite experience as an ASM YA has
     been organizing a month of Microbiology-related public engagement programming at the
     Columbia Public Library. Centered around the ASM-Smithsonian Outreach exhibit, we have
     arranged for a film night, public discussions, research presentations and foldscope

                                                             Ashley Queen (California)

      •Current position: Commissioner's Fellow at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
      •Research field: A Microbiologist working in the U.S FDA Office of Regulatory affair's Pacific
      Southwest Laboratory. Focused on the development of a prevention-focused food safety
      system to facilitate rapid, high-throughput simultaneous identification of the foodborne
      pathogens E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes from
      environmental swab samples.
      •Number of years serving as ASM YA: About 1 year (10 months)
      •Last ASM sponsored event: Presentation at the University of California Irvine on post-
      doctoral career goals and the opportunities available when getting involved with the ASM.
      •Next ASM sponsored event: TBD; Meanwhile maintaining a blog website All the A's to your
      Q's ( and continuously blogging on various social media platforms
      to engage the public about science, local activities, mentorship, and maintaining a healthy
      work-life balance.
      •Why should a young student join ASM? The ASM offers a wealth of information and tools
      that are very useful to students through their website and workshops. For students who are
      local to ASM headquarters, sessions like Microbes After Hours and local meetings are
      excellent opportunities to be exposed to research in the field and to network with those in
      academia, government, and industry. Regional chapters also host exciting and informative
      local events. For those able to attend ASM Microbe, they will find themselves immersed in a
      hub of innovation and cutting edge technology along with thousands of students and
      professionals working in various sub-disciplines across the field.
      •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? My best experience as an ASM YA is to
      be regularly contacted by students and professionals both within and outside the field of
      Microbiology. Becoming a resource and mentor to them on behalf of the ASM is incredibly
      rewarding and validates the notion that I am making a continual impact.

                                                       Clay Steven Crippen (Georgia)
    •Current position: Graduate Student
    •Research field: Microbiology
    •Number of years serving as ASM YA: 1 year
    •Last ASM sponsored event: Installation of Outbreak DIY Exhibit at local schools.
    •Next ASM sponsored event: Escorting the University of Georgia ASM Undergraduate Chapter to
    the CDC in Atlanta.
    •Why should a young student join ASM? Simply put: exposure. With the vastness of disciplines in
    the microbial sciences, young students often lack exposure to them all. Joining ASM as a
    student member gives young scientists the resources and opportunity to find the discipline of
    the microbial sciences that they find exciting and from there they can excel!
    •What is the best experience so far as an ASM YA? Meeting and getting to know all of the
    Young Ambassadors from around the world at Microbe 2018.
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