Page 18 - Total Quality Excellence
P. 18


           Quality Management tools help organization collect and analyze data

           for employees to easily understand and interpret information. Quality
           Management models require extensive planning and collecting

           relevant information about end-users. Customer feedbacks and
      & Business Excellence
           expectations need to be carefully monitored and evaluated to deliver
           superior quality products.

            Quality Management tools help employees identify the common problems
                      which are occurring repeatedly and also their root causes.

           Quality Management tools play a crucial role in improving the quality

           of products and services. With the help of Quality Management tools
           employees can easily collect the data as well as organize the
      Management  eventually come to concrete solutions for better quality products.
           collected data which would further help in analyzing the same and

           Quality Management tools make the data easy to understand and

           enable employees to identify processes to rectify defects and find

      Quality  solutions to specific problems.



               CarePoint Global  +966 55 119 6445 – Specialized Consulting and
                                          Training Services - 2019
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