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THE EGO Ivy Informer

VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 May 30, 2015

Greetings Sorors,

As Basileus of Epsilon Gamma
Omega, I remain excited about
“Launching New Dimensions of
Service” programs while leading
the “Launching of New
Dimensions” for Epsilon Gamma
Omega. THE EGO Ivy Informer
is an ideal means of reading about
Epsilon Gamma Omega’s “Launching New Dimensions of Service” and the “Launching of
New Dimensions” for Epsilon Gamma Omega. Welcome to the third issue! As you visit or re-
visit the various activities and events presented in THE EGO Ivy Informer, thank you for
whatever your contributions were for the accomplishments of the service rendered to our
May 16, 2015 was an extremely busy day in the life of an AKA-EGO Soror. The first
Community Impact Day in recognition of “AKA 1908 Playgrounds Project” Ribbon Cutting at
the James A. Lane Boys and Girls Club was exceptional. The Relay for Life Walk, where we
walked and accomplished our goal of pledges that exceeded $1,000.00, was also phenomenal.
The two events were less than an hour of being overlapping programs. As we are accustomed,
we get it all done in grand AKA-EGO style.

IN THIS ISSUE: Target III: Family Strengthening…Page 6
Target II: Health Promotion…Page 4
Target IV: Environmental Ownership…Page 8 Sisterly Relations…Page 11 AKA Day at the Capitol…Page 12
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