Page 6 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Vol 1 Issue 2
P. 6
THE EGO Ivy Informer

8. As you envisioned what the chapter would 10. What is it about Epsilon Gamma Omega that
makes you most proud?
accomplish, have your expectations been SOROR SPILLMAN: So proud of the
met? many good and loving friends interested in
her health and welfare, and the health and
SOROR SPILLMAN: When we chartered welfare of others.
Epsilon Gamma Omega, we didn’t envision
anything, so we are very pleased with what 11. What advice would you give to a new Soror?
EGO is today. SOROR SPILLMAN: Once an AKA,
always an AKA. Keep active. Don’t just
9. What recommendations do you offer Epsilon wear the pin. Remember that you pledged
Gamma Omega for improvement? to serve.

SOROR SPILLMAN: Keep doing what 12. What wisdom can be shared with Sorors to
you’re doing. Keep implementing improve and continue to perpetuate our
programs because you are already doing a sisterhood for the next 66 years and beyond?
magnificent (word) job. (Chuckle) SOROR SPILLMAN: Wisdom, I’m not
--Soror Spillman told me that I might need to wise enough to share wisdom. (Chuckle)
inform those who did not attend the 2015
Founders’ Day why she used the word
“word” after she said the word

It was such an honor speaking with Soror Spillman and she was delighted to be asked to share her
perspectives. She repeatedly stated how grateful she is for the care and concern shown to her by the
Sorors. Observing her demeanor as she reflected on the kindness she has received would make
anyone proud to belong to such a wonderful (word) sisterhood.


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