Page 167 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 167
Alfred Rosenberg
especially, did the Jewish government maintain itself, for they knew
very well: the still powerless hatred ofthe population could become
frightening if it were not daily suppressed. According to the issues
of the Pravda (Truth), the official newspaper, in three months over
13,000 "counter-revolutionaries" were shot. But one could observe,
and all recent news reports agree on this, that the hatred against the
Jews in Russia is, in spite of all the Terror, spreading increasingly
widely. The most soft-hearted and tolerant Russians are now as
drenched in it as a former Tsarist official. If the present government
falls, then no Jew will remain alive in Russia; one can say that with
certainty; those who are not killed will be driven out.