Page 170 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 170

The Track of the Jew through the Ages

              Rabbi Papa: "If one has eaten or drunk out of a paired dish
       or beaker, how does one prevent the evil consequences? One grasps
       the thumb of one's right hand with the left hand and the thumb of
       the left hand with the right hand and speaks thus: 'You and I are
       three'. But if one hears it said, 'You and I are four', then one says,
       'You and I are five', etc."
               "It is said in Jon 2:1: 'Then the Eternal presented a great
       fish to swallow Jonah'. But it says in v.3: 'And Jonah prayed to the
       Eternal to go out from the stomach of the fish and said: "I have
       called on the Lord from my confinement'". There is no doubt;
       perhaps the great fish spat him out and the small fish swallowed
       him".  338
               Rabbi Meier: "Whence can  it be proved that even the
       embryos in the mother's womb began to sing a song? Because it
       says in Ps. 68:27:  'In the congregations praise the Lord God,
       from the womb of Israel'".
               "When a scratch blisters, one blows the trombone on
       Sabbath. But we have learnt: When other punishments are aroused
       and attack all, e.g., itches, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, one does not
       blow but cries (prays) to God? There is no question,  it is only a
       matter of whether the itch is moist or dry".
               Rabbi Jehuda said: "One places in the synedrium (council)
       only such a man who is able to clean out (through conclusions) the
       worm from the Torah ". Rabbi said: "I can pronounce it clean through
       conclusions. If even a snake, which kills or increases impurity
       thereby, is clean, then the determination is certainly valid in relation
       to a worm that does not kill and does not increase impurity!" That is
       not tenable since it (the snake) is only like a thorn (which can kill us
       and is nevertheless clean).
              And it says in Ex. 8:2: "And the frog came up and covered
       Egypt". According to Rabbi Eleazar it was just a frog but it multiplied
         Pesachim, fol.llOa.
         Nedarim, fol.51b.
         Sota, fol.30b.
         Baba Kamma, fol.36 and 37a.
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