Page 173 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 173
Alfred Rosenberg
castigating) with her mouth,with four she takes the donkey to the
market (for her satisfaction)".
Rabbi Johanan: "Crippled children are born because their
parents turn the tables (their position in coitus) upside down; dumb
children are born because they kiss that place (the genitals); deaf-
mute children are born because they chat during intercourse; finally,
blind children are born because they look at that place".
Rabbi Jochanan: "Rabbi Ishmael's penis was as big as a
tube of six kabs. 359 Rabbi Papa: "Rabbi Jochanan's penis was as big
as a tube of five kabs, according to others three kabs. Rabbi Papa's
penis was as big as the baskets of the inhabitants of Harpania 360 361
Every criminal (simri) lay on this day with the Medianite
woman 424 times, and Pinchas waited for one so long that his power
was weakened. Pinchas did not know that the strong king (God)
was with him. It is indicated in a Boraitha: "He lay with her 60
times until he became like a rotten egg and she like a bed full of
water". 362
These examples may suffice to vividly bring to mind the
strangeness of the Jewish mind. How was it possible that products
of such a nature that were inherited, discussed andjealously guarded
for thousands of years could have been pointed to as a religious and
moral book?
Here it must be determined once and for all that all that is
written down in the Talmud is derived from a spirit that is hostile to
us. It is a specifically Jewish characteristic. "One thing is certainly
clear", says the Jew Dr. Bernfeld, "that the oral teaching is most
intimately connected to the Jewish race, it is bone of its bone, flesh
of its flesh".
Ketubot, fol.65a.
Nedarim, fol.20a.
[A 'kab' is an ancient Hebrew measure equal to 4 pints.]
[A rich agricultural town in the Mesene district south of Babylon.]
Baba Mezia, fol.84a.
Sanhedrin, fol.l4b.
[S. Bernfeld], Der Talmud [sein Wesen, seine Bedeutungund seine Geschichte],
Berlin, 1900, p.16. [Simon Bernfeld (1860-1939) was a rabbi and publicist in