Page 187 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 187

Alfred Rosenberg

             the technical processing of the collected knowledge that promotes
             immediate usefulness. Man began to become increasingly the slave
             of his creation, of the machine, the technique of life established
             itself more and more. And that meant the breach through which the
             Jew rushed into our culture! Goethe had suspected it when he made
             Wilhelm Meister say: "The mechanical life that takes the upper hand
             makes me anxious, it rolls towards us like a storm, slowly, slowly,
             but it has taken its direction, it will come and strike". And it has
             struck right into the heart. Nowadays we are already so far bestialised
             that the value of an idea is judged solely on its practical usefulness.
             From that then is effected the evaluation of personality.
                    If, even in the 19  th  century, minds of genius were at work
             (who could deny that in the case ofFaraday and Mayer), now hordes
             of skilful tenacious workers cooperate in the field of science. Schiller
             dedicates to Kant and his followers the following saying:

                    As a single rich man feeds so many beggars!
                    When kings build, day-workers have something to do
                    The kings who built were Kant, 397  Goethe,  398  Mayer,  399
                    400     401    402
             Cuvier,-  Muller,  Baer  and many others, and among them was
               [Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) began his philosophical career with important
             publications on natural science such as Gedanken von der wahren Schdtzung der
             lebendigen Krdfte ( 1 746) and Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels
             ( 1 755). In 1 775 he published a work Uber die verschiedenen Rassen der Menschen. ]
               [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1 749-1 832) was not only a literateur but also a
             natural scientist who made important contributions to plant metamorphosis {Versuch
             die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erkldren, 1 790) and optics {Farbenlehre, 1810).
               [Julius Robert von Mayer (1 814-1 878) was a German physicist who was one of
             the founders of thermodynamics.]
               [Georges Cuvier (1 769-1 832) was a French naturalist and zoologist who was a
             founder of comparative anatomy and paleontology. Cuvier opposed Lamarck's
             theories of gradual evolution and maintained that a typical fossil form appears
             abruptly and persists unchanged until  its extinction (a phenomenon now called
             "punctuated equilibrium"). He believed in racial polygenism and maintained that
             the Caucasian is the highest of the three distinct human races.]
               [Johannes Muller (1801-1858) was a German physiologist and comparative
             anatomist whose chief work was his Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen fur
             Vorlesungen (1837-1840). For his importance as a vitalist psychologist, see A.
             Jacob, De Naturae Natura, Arktos, 2011, Ch.V]

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