Page 19 - Tugas akhir buku
P. 19


                      1.  What differs general theory from limited theory?

                         The general theory of education is a set of comprehensive programme for producing a

                         certain type of person or an educated man, while the limited one concerns with

                         particular education issues, such as : how a subject should be thought, or how children
                         of this age and this ability should be dealt with.

                      2.  What are 2 educational aims?
                         Answer :

                         At the educational theory, there is a notion or assumption about the end to be

                         achieved. This is called the aim of the general theory of education. Generally, the aim
                         of this theory is to produce a certain type of person or educated man, one who meets

                         the various criteria of intellectual, moral and aesthetic development. There are three
                         concepts in describing an educated man, they are:

                         1.  An educated man can be described from the total of his experiences. This occurs in

                             a mining camp or in army camp.
                         2.  An educated man can be described from his relationship with educational

                             institution, like should or colleges.
                         3.  An educated man can be determined from one’s position in particular social,

                             political or religious context.

                      3.  What is aim?

                         Answer :
                         Aims are a series of activities which draw internal ends. This means aims are the

                         activities themselves which are done to catch another thing.
                      4.  What is purpose?


                         Purpose is the result of an internal ends (activity or a series of activities done to catch
                         another activity) which produce external ends.

                      5.  What is aim in education?

                         The aim of education is to develop a man intellectually morally and aesthetically.

                        19  PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION                       MPBI-STKIP PGRI SIDOARJO BATCH 4&6 2020
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