Page 20 - Tugas akhir buku
P. 20

6.  What is purpose in education?

                         The purpose of education is to give help or helps for a man to get good or worthwhile

                         position in social, political or religious context.

                      7.  What did Locke say about assumption in human nature?

                         The assumption of Locke is that children are born tabula rasa, cognitively empty.

                      8.  What did Rosseau say about assumption in human nature?

                         Rosseau said that if we want to discover some truth about the world, about what exists

                         in it or what likely to happen in it, we have to begin by examining the world, by
                         observation and experiment.

                      9.  What did Froebel say about assumption in human nature?

                         Froebel said that each child exemplifies a divine pattern of development which needs
                         to be realised in his life, and which it is the purpose of education to realise.

                      10. What are two approaches to general theory of education?

                         They are mechanistic and organic approaches.

                        20  PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION                       MPBI-STKIP PGRI SIDOARJO BATCH 4&6 2020
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