Page 45 - 結案報告書-內文.indd
P. 45
All is set – take off when you are ready! 行影、捉影、Fun影
Pack your bag and go travel. Travel to where the scenes of the 本次展覽以「行影」、「捉影」、「Fun影」三個概念為主
movies are taking you, and trace the steps of the antagonists of 軸,介紹將台灣北、中、南、東各地風情融入劇情場景當
the film to discover hidden treasures. The locations may not have 中,具城市行銷及觀光效應的八部電影,讓民眾跟著電影一
changed much since they were last captured on film, but you may 起暢遊各地風情美貌,並了解因電影所帶來的觀光與經濟效
think and feel differently. So set out to reclaim the sharp senses 應。藉由現場的舖陳及互動方式,細心捕捉感動內心的人、
you have lost, and reclaim the dreams you have once embraced. 事、地、物,找回對土地、人們遺忘的那份尊重與珍愛。那
This movie safari is just for you and yours alone, and you can 些我們從未注意過的角落,或許就有感人的故事上演。
pen your own screenplay as your fantasies take you, and focus on
an angle and frame that took your fancy. This movie belongs just A「行影區」Walking with films - 跟著電影去旅行,認識
to you, with time on your side as a loyal cameraman, and Taiwan 各地風情
as the perfect location. All is set – take off when you are ready! B「Fun影區」Playing with films - 盡情徜徉於影像之
C「捉影區」Shooting films - 捕捉感動的那幕印象,留下
‧「拜客椅」- 由椅子與單車踏板結合之裝置藝術,讓現場
場景資料庫整合Google Map與QuickTime VR環拍技術,鉅細
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