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一部電影的開創時期,是 製片、導演、編劇 三足鼎立的時 Producer as a must-have element in film production is more
代,三人皆是電影的靈魂人物,缺一不可! prevalent in areas
where American films enjoy greater prosperity.
製片是一部影片行政上的監督者,負責為一拍片計劃籌措 It is an occupation in its own right; but in Taiwan, the role of the
資金、購買電影劇本和延聘導演與其他重要的相關人才,地位 producer is not yet well-established,
和負責藝術的導演並駕齊驅,在影片的製作過程中,製片往往 with the director playing the main role in overseeing the film
有很大的權力,他所做的決定往往直接影響到影片的品質。 production process.
But a growing amount of people is noting the importance of a
在美國片廠時期,有些製片在電影界的地位極為高;到 producer system – constructive to the movie making process.
如:喬治‧盧卡斯、華倫‧比提、芭芭拉‧史翠珊。通常製片 A film producer is someone who creates the conditions for
人的觀念在美國影業較為蓬勃發達的地方比較普遍, making movies. The producer initiates, co-ordinates, supervises
甚至本來就是一個職業,不過台灣影界還沒有完全建立起製片 and controls matters such as fund-raising, purchasing screenplays,
制度,多以導演為主導,不過已愈來愈多人開始注意到製片制 hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. For any
度的重要性。 movie,
the role that the producer plays is as important as that of the art
director. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the
film-making process fromdevelopment to completion of a project.
The decisions that the producer makes will directly affect the
quality of the film.
Several producers enjoy superstardom status in the American
film history; in 1970’s and 1980’s, the number of actors serving
as producers concurrently skyrocketed, such as George Lucas,
Warren Beatty, and Barbara Streisand.
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