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電影是促銷 觀光,打響城市品牌 的最有效方式之一。                                                                                                 Roman Holiday is a 1953 romantic comedy.  The film introduced
                                                                                                                                                                      American audiences to actress Audrey Hepburn and movie

                                            1953年《羅馬假期Roman  holiday》中男女主角奧黛麗赫本                                                                                       icon Gregory Peck.  Hepburn won the Academy Award for Best
                                            與葛雷哥萊畢克的戀愛故事,讓羅馬街景與古蹟給影迷留下                                                                                                Actress for her work in the film.  The quaint Roman streets and
                                            深刻印象;1965年《真善美The Sound of Music》電影拍攝                                                                                     historic relics regaled fans with unforgettable beauty.  12 years

                                            的薩爾茲堡,也成為奧地利著名觀光景點,儘管距離電影拍                                                                                                later, movie, The Sound of Music, became a sensational hit,
                                            攝時間已超過四十年,遊客仍然趨之若鶩;1999年《將計就                                                                                              and Salzburg, where the movie was shot, became an overnight
                                            計Entrapment》中男女主角史恩康納萊與凱薩琳齊塔瓊斯在                                                                                           tourist high spot in Austria.  In the 1999 movie, Entrapment, Sean
                                            片中大顯身手,打響了吉隆坡雙塔的全球知名度,成為觀光                                                                                                Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones pulled out all the stops in the

                                            客必去的景點之一。                                                                                                                 film and made the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and the
                                                                                                                                                                      towers became another must-visit for travelers around the world.
                                            上法國電影委員會是背後最大的推手。其推廣並支持電影在                                                                                                Paris is rightfully one of the most popular tourist destinations

                                            法國各地拍攝,目的就是透過像《Da  Vinci  Code達文西密                                                                                        in the world, and one of the most romantic.  The city generates
                                            碼》、《Amlie艾蜜莉的異想世界》、《巴黎我愛妳》…等                                                                                              much movie economy thanks to the French National Movie
                                            電影加強法國、巴黎的魅力,吸引世界各地的遊客前往觀光                                                                                                Commission.  The Commission promotes and supports films that
                                            旅遊,帶動整體城市的經濟活力。另外,在韓國政府電影政                                                                                                are shot in the various locations in France, whose mission is to

                                            策的主導與支持下,釜山策劃籌辦「釜山電影節」後,使整                                                                                                highlight the unique French and Parisian charm through popular
                                            體電影攝製的產值大升,從一個海港城市變成各國專業電影                                                                                                films like The da Vinci Code, Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain,
                                            人士每年的亞洲影展首選之地。此外,南韓政府更倣效迪士                                                                                                and Paris, je t'aime, to draw tourists from around the world to
                                            尼樂園、全球影城等電影主題公園的作法,將電影拍攝現場                                                                                                travel and tour the country, and therefore spur the economy of

                                            予以保留,成為吸引人潮的觀光勝地。                                                                                                         this beautiful French city.

                                                                                                                                                                      Roman holiday 羅馬假期
                                                                                                                                                                      The Sound of Music 真善美
                                                                                                                                                                      Entrapment  將計就計
                                                                                                                                                                      Da Vinci Code 達文西密碼
                                                                                                                                                                      Amelie 艾蜜莉的異想世界
                                                                                                                                                                      Da Vinci Code 達文西密碼

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