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Messages of Vice Presidents NSW - Chapter
It is my pleasure and privilege to deliver this message as the Vice
President of Tamil Engineers Foundation in its thirteenth year of inception.
The Tamil Engineers Foundation (Engineers Charity Fund) was formed in
the later part of 2007 by a small group of engineers from Sydney for the
purpose of helping needy and affected school and university students,
orphans and war affected people in the north and East of Srilanka. This is
a non-political and non-profit organisation that is registered in NSW with
a licence to raise funds for charitable purpose.
Due to the tireless efforts and hard work of our committee members,
our foundation has grown remarkably into national and global stage for
the last thirteen years. We have successfully undertaken several projects to help the needy and
affected people in our homeland. This includes providing support for education for school children
and university students, support to many orphanage centres, livelihood and revolving loan projects
to women-headed families, child sponsorship to children who have lost their parents, artificial limbs
to women and children, cataract eye operation to affected patients and many more humanitarian
projects. Last six months we have also undertaken several COVID -19 emergency relief projects in
our home land to help the needy and affected people by COVID-19 Pandemic.
At this Annual General Meeting 2019/20, I would like to take this opportunity to thank executive
committee members, members and well- wishers for their on-going support to raise required funds
for the Engineers charity fund to carry out our committed charity works in our homeland & Australia.
I am honored and privileged to deliver this message as the Vice President
of Tamil Engineers of Australia NSW Chapter in its thirteenth year since
inception. For the past thirteen years, Tamil Engineers foundation has been
providing valuable assistance and supporting several charitable activities
including educational support to primary/high school, technical college and
university students and social and livelihood support to women-headed
families in many parts of our homeland. We also extended our assistance
to the upcountry region of Sri Lanka and provided support to local charities
in Australia.
Tamil Engineers Foundation is one of the leading registered charity organisations in Australia and
is currently functioning in many states of Australia and overseas. We recently also established a
committee in Sri Lanka.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our committee members and other chapter
committee members for their hard work, commitment and support. I also thank everyone who has
been supporting Tamil Engineers foundation initiatives.
V. Nadesan