P. 21
Shopping: Delivery options can be Sometimes the picture displayed on the
exceptionally fast, for example ordering website does not completely match the
groceries online can sometimes have product the customer receives, for
delivery options of only 3 hours! example sometimes the color may vary
Transactions can be completed within from the picture on the product that’s
minutes through a number of ways such as been delivered. Returning products may
using PayPal, or credit card transfers. cost the customer. Other retailers may not
even accept returns!
Banking: Customers can check their bank Commercial banking or business accounts
balance. They can pay bills online, i.e. setup are often more expensive than traditional
direct debits and standing orders. They can bank accounts. Banks may charge fees for
transfer money between their accounts night deposits, for processing a certain
and to other people's account. number of checks and for the payroll
services. Depending on the size of your
business, some of the services offered
may not be needed, and you may still be
charged for the services even if you're not
fully using them.
Auction: The ability to bid on items from Sometimes the process of taking part in
across the globe, and have them delivered auctions becomes unfair due to shill
to your desired address – even if the item bidding. This is when the seller asks a
would take a month to reach you! Can set group of people they know to start of the
certain delivery options for buyers to bidding on their item, ultimately making it
choose from, such as collection, air mail, look more popular, and increasing its price
standard delivery, etc. by doing so. This is unfair because it
results in the winner of the auction having
to pay more for the product than they
should have.