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Weather: easy to predicts the time and when it Prediction is sometimes inaccurate.
will rain or snow. Plan and target setting are
sometime easy and faster because of our
accessibility to weather forecast information
(news report).
Train timetable: it makes departing and arriving The chance of having to raise heads to look at
easy and faster. Users do not have to estimate the timetable each and every minute can cause
the time their vehicle leaves and arrives. neck injuries and possibly eye injuries; if the
Therefore, more time to plan ahead. brightness of the screen is too high. Users who
do not pay much attention to the screen may
miss their flights.
Traffic reports: easy to know the location and
position of a vehicle. It has reduced many road The system is mostly operated and controlled by
traffic accidents. expects. A single miss-calculation of the time
difference to stop road vehicles approaching
from the left can increase in road traffic
accidents and road traffic jams.
News service: it’s free, unlike buying newspapers News reporters often report fake news.
which can cost. Information is often not from the right source.
• What is – Commerce?
• The activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale.
A third beneficial type of an online service is “e-commerce”.
Commerce is a type of an online service that allows users to perform, pay for or process large amount of
data/tasks online. It provides security of data and ensures a long term relationships between a customer
and a producer. Communication devices are used in this field to attract more consumers and buyers into
their private business. Email plays an important role in e-commence/commerce. It is used to notify and
update audience or buyers about their new products.
The feedbacks or surveys taken are used to improve the performance of the business webpage. “Do you
always suffer joining large queues at your nearest bank to withdraw money or wire money to your
friends and family?”
Commerce has improved in our banking center. The inventions of automated teller machines (ATMs)
have made withdrawing and transferring of money between banks more easily and faster. An electronic
fund transfer at point of sale (eftps), is used electronically to send funds to the customer’s bank account,