P. 15


               Real Time Information (RTI) or processing is the most significant change ever made to PAYE. A new and
               improved way of reporting, Real time information is designed to make PAYE submissions more efficient
               – meaning you'll need to submit information to HMRC in real time, every time you pay employees. Since
               April 2013 the majority of employers, apart from some minor exceptions, have been required to provide
               details of payments made to employees when, or before, the payment is made.

               Real Time Information for example, a bus schedules will show you when your bus is due to arrive at your
               bus stop so you can plan your journey more accurately. Many users Nationwide uses Real Time
               Information because it saves their time and it gives them more time to plan ahead.

               Data is however put together and calculated accurately and information is given immediately, at a
               fastest possible time. Real-time data is often used for navigation or tracking. Almost everyday people
               use RTI to make work easier and faster. RTI is used in many airports to allow passengers to book airplane
               tickets by using smartphones to scan coded literary number (# 7349538547390) immediately before
               boarding to reduce the chance of having to join in a large queue to buy tickets. It is used in air-traffic
               control or navigation system to indicate or track the direction and the location of a particular flight. It is
               used in road traffic systems, to direct vehicles and to reduce human traffic and road traffic accidents on
               a particular street or area.

               • TRAIN TIMETABLES.

                • TRAFFIC REPORTS.
               • NEWS SERVICES (Yahoo, BBC CNN, etc.)

                • WEATHER

                                                                                TRAIN TIMETABLES

                                                                      Real-time information provides accurate
                                                                      predictions for the next services departing
                                                                      from your stop or station. Using real-time
                                                                      information you can check when your next
                                                                      bus, train, ferry or tram is predicted to
                                                                      depart from your stop or station.

                                                                      This means you can make public transport
                                                                      choices based on actual travel time, not
                                                                      just scheduled times, which may vary
                                                                      depending on traffic or weather conditions.
                                                                      Real-time is a prediction based on the
               vehicle's current GPS location which is then compared with the scheduled time. Real-time predictions
               are available for services operating within the next 60 minutes. These services display real-time
               predictions as a countdown. Services that are more than 60 minutes away will display their scheduled
               timetable. If real-time is not available, services may display their normal scheduled timetable. When this
               occurs, the word 'scheduled' will appear under the service's departure time. Some trains may also show
               as 'cancelled' or 'skipped', or indicate a change to the platform. These instances may occur if the vehicle

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