P. 23


               Google map is a unique and simple site ever designed that helps users to clearly view places of their
               interest. It gives them the accessibility to move around freely between buildings or places. It is mostly
               used by students, businesses and travelers. Google maps open doors to many people who find it difficult
               to give a clear direction to or of an area. Google maps also help many private businesses to search and
               find unique places to sell their new products to consumers. It also helps business seekers to search
               online jobs between places. For some features on Google maps, like parks and water areas Google have
               used colors, which have connotative meaning; parks – green, water – blue.

               This means that the majority of users should be able to immediately detect what type of features they
               are purely by processing the color only. Google uses a unique line width for each road class on the map.
               For example the local roads are all the same width, as are the motorways and highways. By using a
               constant width for each road category Google provides a structured and uniform user experience.

               Google map is designed for people who are familiar with the use of websites or smartphones: Android
               development and object-oriented programming concepts. You should also be familiar with Google Maps
               from a user's point of view. A billion people use Google maps every month. The audience using Google
               Maps is extraordinarily diverse spanning many different cultures, age groups, learning abilities and
               contextual behaviors.

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