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and have interest in online gaming than learning, time for studying will be less than on gaming. As an
               online   learning student, you will:

               •       Earn an internationally recognized degree.
                •      Be able to study anywhere that has an internet connection.

               •       Have the flexibility to study when it's most convenient for you.

               •       Be taught by academics working at the leading edge of your field.
               •       Become part of a rich and varied online community.

               •       Have access to University support services.

               SCHOOL WEBSITES
                                                                         A school website is any website built,
                                                                         designed, and maintained by or for a
                                                                         school. Many school websites share
                                                                         certain characteristics, and some
                                                                         educators have developed guidelines to
                                                                         help schools create the best and most
                                                                         useful websites they can. School
                                                                         websites helps both students and
                                                                         teachers in many ways. It is a great
                                                                         place for students to prepare their mind
                                                                         before entering school hall or for
                                                                         instance, a canteen hall: a school
                                                                         website with a canteen or meal
               features helps both teachers and students choose or be aware of what to be served in school. School
               websites with Term Dates helps students and parents know when there is school or vacation, so they
               could plan ahead. It helps parents to know or learn all about the school. It also open many doors to
               different or nearby schools to pay visit to the school at the right time.

               Virtual Learning Environments

               (VLEs)Virtual learning environments, or VLE’s, are simply internet based platforms that are used greatly
               by schools, through which users can access files from distant servers. This type of service is mainly used
               to provide authorized users access to things such as lessons, homework, assessment grades, and notes.
               Some VLE’s also provide users with a social link, allowing communication between students and
               teaching staff. A typical example of a Virtual Learning Environment is google classroom or Edmodo,
               where students receive assignments and study links from teachers. It makes teaching and learning
               easier because students can have access to documents and files. Work done is faster.

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