P. 9

Non-Internet alternatives for VLEs Virtual learning environments provide an almost unique service,
               which is hard to replicate completely without a solid framework held in place with the internet.
               However, there are still a number of services available to the general public which allows similar goals to
               be achieved. These include:

                •      Attending classes in person instead of having to take materials for lessons, and sitting the
               lessons on virtual learning environments.

                •      After hour clubs/classes, to which students can attend and ask questions, discuss topics, and
               also get any additional help on certain subjects.
               Intended user for VLEs VLE’s is a service which is mainly focused towards a rather specific target
               audience. An example of a target audience which is targeted by virtual learning environments is
               educational facilities. This is because if educational facilities can provide a virtual learning environment,
               they can enhance the learning experience of student attending their establishment, and simultaneously
               make the job of any staff easier too, as they can set work, answer student questions, and also even host
               assessments of the service.

               ONLINE REVISION
               Online revision websites allow students worldwide to broaden their understanding of any topics they
               may have problems with. Being generally a free service, online revision websites are the go-to source for
               quick notes on certain topics treated in school. This helps students to make quick comparison of what
               they learnt in school to the sources available on the internet. It makes learning easier since there is no
               need having to take all hard copy books to class to study them, students can prepare for class anytime
               Non-Internet alternatives for online revision websites

               This service is one that can be replicated without the use of the internet through a variety of ways. This
               essentially means that if people do not have access to the internet, they are not too disadvantaged
               compared to others who do have access to it, as these people not connected to the internet can utilize
               some non-internet alternatives, which include:

                •      Purchasing or borrowing physical copies of revision materials in order to receive similar,
               condensed content.
               •       Taking private tuition in order to learn similar things as on online revision websites.

               •       Making notes out of textbooks of the relevant topics, and use those as revision material.

               Online revision sites have a fairly obvious target audience (students.) This is due to the fact that online
               revision websites provide revision material which would only really be viewed by students; it is highly
               unlikely that a 40 year old in a professional career would be visiting revision websites. They attract
               students due to their ease of use, and the fact that many students feel as if these can be an escape, and
               use these for last minutes revision. This is because of how easy most online revision websites make most
               topics to understand. Moreover, their overall ease of use also appeals to students, as they are able to
               obtain information on a given topic quickly, via the easy to navigate layouts which are stressed on these

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