Page 97 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 97

More about the design principles...

           Scale refers to the size of something compared to the normal or real size
           of that object. The subject matter or the actual design itself can therefore
           be large scale, small scale or true to scale. Things that are large in scale
           tend  to  leave  an  impression  on  the  viewer.  They  tend  to  be  seen  as
           intimidating and over-powering, while things that are small scale are non-
           threatening. They are viewed as cute, collectable or precious.

           When a short person stands next to a tall person, the short person looks
           even  shorter  and  the  tall  person  seems  taller.  Their  relationship
           exaggerates their height difference. The same occurs in the illustrations
           on  the  right,  where  the  first  inner  circle  looks  smaller  in  the  second
           illustration just because of the size of the circles surrounding them.

           Proportion is the size relationship of the parts of the object compared to the whole object, for example
           the  size  of  your  head  compared to the  rest  of your  body.  It  can  also  refer to the  size  relationship
           between two connected objects like a cup and a saucer. Proportion refers to the correctness of the
           size of these parts when compared to each other. Look at the following drawings –  state what is not
           in proportion in each drawing, as well as what the effect of this is:
           1                            2                                   Figure 1:……………………………..
            .                           .                                   ………………………………………..
                                                                            Figure 2:……………………………..
                                                                            Figure 3:……………………………..
                 3                            4                             ………………………………………..
                 .                            .                             ………………………………………..
                                                                            Figure 4:……………………………..

           Artists and designers distort the proportions of their subject matter to convey meaning. An example of
           this is Michelangelo’s “Pieta” sculpted in 1501. The subject matter consists of Mary, Jesus’ mother,
           mourning and crying, holding the dead body of Jesus on her lap. Now imagine this practically  – a
           woman holding a grown man’s body on her lap – that would look amusing! Yet Michelangelo solved
           this design problem by distorting the proportions of Mary’s body. He increased the size and length of
           her body, yet disguised this by showing huge folds in the clothing she was wearing. Her head is the
           right size yet her hands are nearly double the size. They say if Mary had to stand up that she would
           be about nine feet tall!

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