Page 92 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 92

Create in 2D: Experiment with the art elements and design principles to create designs
                                               showing popular culture

          Use the following table as a checklist before your group hands in their designs to ensure that you are

           Tick:       Have you...
                       Used an appropriate medium or a variety of media to create your design?

                       Used the art elements and design principles to show the pop culture?
                       Used the whole A3 page, not just focusing on the middle?

                       Carefully shown all the characteristics of your pop culture through the visual language?

                       Planned and documented all the development of your design?

                       Made sure that there is a similar look and feel, showing the pop culture?

                       Spent sufficient time and effort on your work?

                       Completed the design to the best of your ability?

           Assessment        Poor-1 mark       Fair- 2 marks       Good- 3 marks         Excellent- 4 marks
                             The learner has                                          Expectations have been
           Appropriate                       An attempt has      Effort has been put
                             not used                                                 exceeded. Many
           media have                        been made to use    into including
                             appropriate                                              appropriate media have
           been used                         appropriate media   appropriate media
                             media                                                    been used
           The pop
                                             An attempt has      A great deal of time
           culture is        The pop culture   been made to show  and effort has been   Expectations have been
           shown             is not obvious   a unique pop       put into showing the   exceeded. The pop culture
           through the       or complete     culture             pop culture          is original and intriguing
           The art
                             No evidence of   Very little        There is adequate    Expectations have been
           elements and
                             the art elements  awareness of the   evidence of art     exceeded. The visual
                             and design      art elements and    elements and design   language has been used
           principles are    principles      design principles    principles          appropriately
           Sufficient time   The design is   The design shows    Sufficient time and   The learner has shown
           and effort is     incomplete. No   very little time and   effort has been   excellent time management
           evident           effort is evident   effort          applied              skills. An excellent effort!
           Creativity and    The learner was  The learner
           use of            not creative or   attempted to be   The learner included   The design is highly
           imagination is    imaginative.    creative in their   interesting ideas in   creative, imaginative and
           shown             The ideas are   approach, yet it is   the design         innovative
           throughout        predictable     unsuccessful
           Total mark achieved:       / 20 marks÷ 2 =10 marks

              Artifact Publications and Training 2015       86
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97