Page 3 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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As I See It... Our Mission:
We will deliver quality,
compassionate and
By Vince Oliver, IH Chief Executive Officer personalized
healthcare to the
hen I arrived also installed two boilers to replace the previous communities we serve.
Where in the three, saving maintenance and installation Island Hospital
spring of 2000, I discovered costs. (Skagit County Public Hospital District No. 2)
is governed by a Board of Commissioners.
that Island Hospital was • LED fixtures – We are now 80% transitioned to Correspondence to commissioners can be sent to:
indeed a very special facility and organization. One LED lighting that saves a significant amount on CommIssIoners
would not expect to have – especially considering the utilities, maintenance and parts. c/o Administration
1211 24th st.
small size and rural surroundings – such a wide • Fidalgo Medical Associates (FMA) Obstetrics & Anacortes, WA 98221-2590
range of services and such compassionate, high-qual- Gynecology services – FMA has been a stalwart
ity care. However, once you live here you realize that primary-care clinic in Anacortes for many years PosItIon 1
Jan Iversen
this is an exceptional community of involved and and is outgrowing its space. Therefore, we are PosItIon 2
caring people who work tirelessly to improve our moving the Ob/Gyn practices to an adjacent Warren Tessler
quality of life. clinic area that will give the other providers (Secretary)
At this time, we at Island Hospital are working in some additional space as well. PosItIon 3
the most cost-effective and efficient manner to • New MRI (magnetic-resonance imaging) – The Paul Maughan PhD
upgrade and maintain our older facilities. The new system will be installed later this year. MRI (President)
August 2017 ballot measure increasing our mainte- is a key diagnostic tool for orthopedic (spine PosItIon 4
Lynne M. Lang PhD
nance and operations (M&O) levy will provide an and knee) and neurologic (stroke evaluation)
additional $1.7 million (for a total of $2.7 million) to conditions. PosItIon 5
A.J. "Chip" Bogosian MD
take on these projects, along with 2017 net revenue • 3D mammography – We are proud to be the
and contributions from the Island Hospital first in Skagit County to offer this service. (See Heartbeats
Foundation. article page 5). is published by the Community relations/
education Department.
Our major projects this year are: So, a lot is going on as we work to maintain and
• Surgery ventilation – This new system offers improve our facilities and purchase the medical tech- Comments or suggestions to:
redundant fans, humidity control and energy nology necessary to continue to be one of (360) 299-1310
savings for each operating room and less risk of Washington State’s best hospitals, regardless of size. CommunIty relAtIons/ eDuCAtIon
the system going completely down. I always encourage your comments, concerns and DIreCtor
• Hot-water boilers – These new boilers are dra- suggestions. Feel free to contact me directly at voli- Dennis richards
matically more efficient than the old boilers in or at CommunIty relAtIons CoorDInAtor
providing hot water for heating the hospital. We (360) 299-1327. Barb leDuc
CommunIty eDuCAtIon CoorDInAtor
Kelsey Jenison
Interested in learning how you HeAltH resourCes CoorDInAtor
Time to BEAT IT! BEAT IT! can participate in the BEAT IT ini- Jackie marucci
EAT IT is a heart-wellness (available at www. Fight Heart tiative? Check out our upcoming teresa l. Pierzchala
Binitiative developed to islandhospital. Disease screening programs: WrIters
encourage our community mem- org). Cholesterol & Glucose screening Chara Curtis
laura Canby
bers to do all they can to maintain It is hoped that the BEAT IT When: Tues., Jan. 23, 8 – 11 a.m.
a healthy heart. Heart wellness program creates more awareness Tues., April 10, 8 – 11 a.m. PHotoGrAPHy
ACme Creative
was selected as the focus when of, and increases the number of Where: Health Resource Center
cardiovascular disease was identi- residents who utilize wellness pro- Cost: $10 (insurance may cover
fied as a top chronic-health con- grams that help prevent heart dis- the cost of your screening) our
cern by Island Hospital’s 2016 ease. Island Hospital encourages
Community Needs Assessment our community to accomplish this Blood Pressure Checks Promise
by attending health screenings, When: Every Wednesday,
educational activities and working 9 a.m. – Noon
Community Health
Education students, from with a primary-care provider to Where: Health Resource Center Your best healthcare
Western Washington University, maintain optimal heart wellness. Cost: FREE experience begins at
developed the acronym BEAT IT. Look for the BEAT IT icon on page For more information on Island Hospital.
BEAT IT = 18 to learn what health screenings screenings or the BEAT IT initiative
Balanced Diet can help you be more engaged in We always place
Exercise Regularly your heart, and overall health. call the Community Education your emotional
Attend Screenings Department at: 360-299-1309 or and medical needs
Take Action Remember: Preventative actions visit first and foremost.
lead to healthier lives. It
Winter 2018 | Heartbeats | 3