Page 7 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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People at Island
Skagit Northwest Orthopedics welcomes Camille Connelly MD
urgeon Camille Cleveland Clinic. means gardening, walking the dog or return-
SConnelly MD Dr. Connelly’s peer-reviewed publications ing to high-level athletics. I approach an
recently joined the profes- have appeared in multiple specialty journals orthopedic problem as a two-way street while
sional staff of Skagit and orthopedic texts. Her research projects explaining the issue and treatment options,
Northwest Orthopedics have been presented at regional and national working to make a treatment plan most
(SNO), specializing in foot specialty conferences. appropriate for the individual’s situation. I
and ankle orthopedic sur- Raised in Marysville, Dr. Connelly attend- believe it is important, in most cases, to start
gery. ed and graduated co-valedictorian from with nonoperative treatments, but it is impor-
Dr. Connelly earned her MD from the Marysville-Pilchuck High School. She went on tant to discuss all options and make an
University of Washington (UW) School of to be a scholar athlete and four-year letter informed treatment plan moving forward.
Medicine. She was awarded an orthopedic winner in Track and Cross Country at UW. “Thrilled to be back in the beautiful Pacific
research fellowship at the University of Runner and former college athlete, Dr. Northwest, I am dedicated to providing the
Cincinnati (UC) and completed her residency Connelly understands the physical and mental highest quality orthopedic care to my com-
in Orthopedic Surgery at University Hospital, burdens injury can have on quality of life. munity.”
UC School of Medicine, OH. She comes to “My goal in orthopedic care,” she says, “is Skagit Northwest Orthopedics has offices
SNO following completion of a fellowship in to help patients get back on their feet and back in Anacortes and Mount Vernon. For appoint-
Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgery at the to their desired activities – whether that ments call (360) 424-7041.
Merle Cancer Care Center welcomes Diana Bartlett ARNP
iana Bartlett ARNP recently joined the Bartlett’s nurse-practitioner experience includes most recently
DMerle Cancer Care Center and is seeing working at Island Hospital as a member of the hospitalist team, con-
patients with hematologic disorders as well as currently providing care to patients in our local skilled-nursing and
those diagnosed with cancer. assisted-living facilities. As an RN, she served as a Palliative Care
Formerly with Island Internal Medicine, Nurse Case Manager at Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, and as a
Bartlett holds a broad background in Internal Hospice Registered Nurse Case Manager at Hospice of the
Medicine, Palliative Care and Emergency/Trauma Northwest, Mount Vernon, and at Capital Hospice, Falls Church, VA.
nursing. She received advanced training as a She also served as an RN in the emergency departments of Island
combat medic with the U.S. Army at Fort Sam Houston Armed Hospital; Naval Air Station Whidbey Island; and Shand’s Hospital,
Forces Medical Center, San Antonio, TX; an ASN degree from Florida University of Florida, Jacksonville.
State College, Jacksonville; and a BSN degree from Washington A board-certified nurse practitioner in adult gerontology and
State University, Pullman. Her MSN and Adult-Gerontology Nurse hospice/palliative care, Bartlett is passionate about serving those in
Practitioner degrees were awarded by George Washington
University, Washington, DC. continued on Page 22
Winter 2018 | Heartbeats | 7