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Menopausal hormone-replacement therapy

      by Robert Prins MD, Ob/Gyn            of disease and treatment of disease. Estrogen   cles was just published in the Journal of the
      Island Hospital Chief Medical Officer  effectively prevents heart disease. Estrogen   American Medical Association (JAMA) last
                                            treatment of heart disease was a disaster, well-  September. They concluded that for the entire
                          t has long been   recognized after we attempted to prevent fur-  study group there was not an increased car-
                        Iobserved that there   ther heart attacks in males by using estrogen
                     is a distinct difference in   therapy. The study was supposed to be com-  diovascular or cancer risk during a cumulative
                     the occurrence of heart   prised of “just post-menopausal” women   follow up of 18 years.
                     disease between men and   whose average age would be 45-55.  These   There were many more problems with this
                     women. Women appear to   would be women who had waning estrogen   study that biased its conclusions that I have
                     have heart attack symp-  which needed to be replaced.  The investiga-  not detailed here. In all, the study was badly
                     toms 10 years on average   tors, however, chose to select a broad spec-  conceived, biased and its conclusions not war-
      later than men.  Documented heart attacks   trum of menopausal women whose average   ranted. Estrogen is safe and it is effective in
      occur on average 20 years later. These differ-  age was 63.5 with the oldest woman admitted   preventing heart disease, reducing the risk of
      ences disappear if a woman has her ovaries   to the study being 79. This group of women,   Alzheimer’s Disease, reducing the incidence of
      removed before the menopause and is pre-  on average 15 years post-menopausal, had   colon cancer and preventing osteoporosis. Its
      sumptive evidence that female hormones are   already developed those plaques in their arter-  effects of eliminating hot flashes and insom-
      responsible. Studies in non-human primates   ies.  The effect of estrogen on them was the   nia, promoting genital health and improving
      have repeatedly shown the protective benefits   same as in the males treated with estrogen for   bowel and bladder function are also well rec-
      of female hormones in the prevention of coro-  heart attacks.              ognized as the beneficial short-term effects of
      nary-artery disease.  Experiments on isolated                              HRT. Using post-menopausal estrogen
      blood vessels have repeatedly demonstrated   Since the original article many investiga-  replacement is a very personal choice, but it is
      that female hormones prevent fatty deposits   tors outside of the study have reworked the   an important choice that needs to be made
      (plaques) and maintain the health of the lin-  data of the smaller cohort of “just post-meno-  with valid information.
      ing of these blood vessels. Female hormones   pausal” women in the study.  They found the   Island Hospital Chief Medical Officer Robert
      appear to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the   expected 35-50% decrease in heart disease so
      blood and raise good cholesterol levels (HDL).   well described in the cohort longitudinal stud-  Prins MD, Ob/Gyn, practices at Fidalgo
      Low LDL levels matched with high HDL lev-  ies of the past. The most recent of these arti-  Medical Associates at Island Hospital.
      els have always been an indicator of a low risk
      of heart disease.  Finally, multiple large obser-
      vational longitudinal studies (following a sin-
      gle person over time) carried out over the last   First baby of 2018 celebrated
      50 years have repeatedly demonstrated a
      35-50% reduction in heart disease.      Island Hospital had
         So wherein lies the controversy concerning   to wait a few extra
      estrogen replacement (hormone-replacement   days to welcome the
      therapy or HRT) in the menopause? In 1993 a
      study was begun to test the above hypothesis   first baby of 2018.
      that estrogen therapy in the menopause would   With much anticipa-
      reduce the incidence of heart disease. More   tion, a healthy baby
      than 16,000 women were recruited for the   girl was born Jan. 3
      study, which was to continue until 2005 but   at 6:35 p.m. to proud
      was discontinued early in 2002. This study, a   parents  Taylor and
      subset of the Women’s Health Initiative, was   Josh Ratzel of Oak
      randomized (patients were randomly assigned   Harbor. Braelynn
      to HRT or placebo), and double-blind (nei-  Ratzel weighed in at
      ther investigators nor the patients knew what   7 lbs., 5 ½ oz. and
      medicine they were taking).  The results pub-  measured 20 inches.
      lished with great fanfare received widespread   Welcome to the world
      media attention.  The study concluded that
      there appeared to be no protective benefit   Braelynn!
      with the use of HRT and was stopped early
      because of a concern about the number of
      breast cancer cases in the HRT group.
         How do we reconcile these conflicting
      pieces of information? The problem with the
      study lies in the failure of its investigators to
      recognize the difference between prevention
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