Page 9 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
P. 9

People at Island

      Marilyn Brown brings passion for wound care to Island

                            ith 25 years’ experience in medical sales
                        Wand a passion for wound and skin care,   Wound care at Island
                     Marilyn Brown has been named Director of the
                     Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Center      Using a multidisciplinary approach customized to fit each
                     (WCHMC) at Island Hospital. In this role she lever-  patient’s medical needs along with the most advanced wound-
                     ages her unique knowledge and experience of   healing techniques, the WCHMC staff treats patients with pres-
                     key wound-care supplies and technology as well   sure ulcers, arterial ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic and non-heal-
                     as the latest thinking to solve complex problems   ing wounds of all types.
      utilizing enhanced collaboration to WCHMC’s multidisciplinary team   Chronic, non-healing wounds may be caused by:
      of experts.                                                •  Diabetes
         Brown received her Associate degree in Business from Everett   •  Poor circulation
      Community College and has worked with various companies such   •  Traumatic injury
      as KCI, Hill-Rom, Medline, Sound Health Wound Management and   •  Radiation therapy and many other medical conditions.
      MiMedx before joining WCHMC. She comes to WCHMC with a sales   Non-healing wounds can occur when the oxygen level in
      and marketing background.                                 and around the wound falls below a level at which the body’s
         Having extensive experience and knowledge of all sides of the   normal healing process and ability to fight infection becomes
      wound-care spectrum – technology, provider and patient – Brown   impaired. These wounds require specialized wound care, at
      says, “I am thrilled to be part of Island Hospital’s Wound Care &   times including oxygen-therapy treatment.
      Hyperbaric Medicine Center. Here, advanced treatments, such as
      hyperbaric therapy, are used alongside advanced wound dressing   Hyperbaric medicine
      to achieve optimal healing. Dr. David H. Brown (no relation to   The WCHMC has two spacious hyperbaric oxygen chambers
      Marilyn) and the staff of dedicated nurses exercise great compassion   equipped with the latest computer technology. Patients who
      while helping patients and healing wounds. I am grateful to be part   may benefit include:
      of such an exemplary team.”                                •  Those with selected non-healing wounds that have not
         Brown makes her home in Snohomish, WA, with her husband of   closed with conventional care
      33 years. She enjoys camping and gardening and spending time   •  Cancer patients with tissue damage as a result of radiation
      with her grandson.                                           therapy
         The Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Center is located in the   •  Those with advanced diabetic foot ulcers
      Medical Arts Pavilion, at 1015 25th Street, Anacortes. For consulta-  •  Those experiencing chronic bone infections.
      tions or appointments call (360) 899-4600.

      Psychiatry & Behavioral Health welcomes new social worker

                           sychiatry &      case management. In this role, she managed   Psychiatry & Behavioral Health interdisciplin-
                        PBehavioral Health   the legally blind and low-vision veterans pro-  ary team that focuses on providing compre-
                     at Island Hospital is   gram as well as provided support groups and   hensive treatment to patients. “I am honored
                     pleased to welcome     treatment plans for veterans.        and excited to have the opportunity to con-
                     Medical Social Worker,   She has also worked for multiple Joint Base   tribute to personal and community wellness
                     Jennifer Kapolchok, to the   Duty Stations as a Military Family Life   through working at Island Hospital,” states
                     team. With a diverse   Counselor, providing solution-focused coun-  Kapolchok. “I am passionate about promoting
                     background in behavioral   seling services to active-duty military mem-
      health, Kapolchok will offer direct support   bers and their families. Most recently   and encouraging positive change in the lives
      services and resources to individuals in need.   Kapolchok worked for the Department of the   of people, and enjoy working collaboratively
         Kapolchok graduated Summa Cum Laude   Navy at the Fleet and Family Support Center   with others on important life goals.”
      from the University of Alaska Anchorage   as a Social Advocacy Clinical Counselor   In her free time, Kapolchok enjoys spend-
      School of Social Work in 2008, obtained her   where she conducted therapy services to   ing time with her two children, reading,
      clinic license in 2012 and has been using her   active duty sailors and their families. Part of   exploring and participating in local activities
      licensure to assist vulnerable and underserved   her role included working as a case manager   and seeking out new adventures.
      populations ever since. Shortly after becoming   for the Family Advocacy Program, working   Psychiatry & Behavioral Health is located
      a clinical social worker, Kapolchok worked for   with military members affected by domestic   in the Medical Office Building at 2511 M
      the Department of Veteran Affairs in   violence.                           Avenue, Suite G. Call (360) 299-4297 to make
      Anchorage, providing crisis intervention and   Kapolchok is a great addition to the   an appointment.

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