Page 4 - Island hospital Heartbeats_Winter2018
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New Medicare cards: What you need to know
he risk of identity theft and fraud is on million Medicare beneficiaries require new
Tthe rise, especially among those 65 and cards, so this transition will not be complete
older. With so many things to worry about until April 2019.
protecting, one thing that may slip your mind Your healthcare providers are already
is to protect your health-insurance cards. If aware of this change and they have been
you haven’t paid close attention, you may have working hard to make sure this is a seamless
overlooked the fact that your Social Security transition for you. Simply bring your new
number acts as your Medicare identification Medicare card to your medical appointments
number. This leaves Medicare beneficiaries so staff members can begin billing using your
exposed to the fraudulent use of Social new MBI number. The only task for you is to
Security numbers and illegal use of Medicare be aware of scams related to this change.
benefits. The Centers for Medicare & Please be aware that you will not receive
Medicaid Services (CMS) are taking steps to phone calls from Medicare asking you to veri-
protect seniors from fraud by removing Social fy your personal information or asking for
Security numbers from Medicare cards. FREE taxi service
Starting in April, CMS will begin mailing checking and savings account information. In
new Medicare cards that will feature a ran- fact, Medicare will not call you for anything for San Juan
domly assigned Medicare Beneficiary related to this matter. If you receive a suspi-
Identifier (MBI). You will not experience any cious call, please hang up immediately and be County patients
benefit changes with the new MBI and you do sure not give any personal information out
not have to do anything to receive your new over the telephone.
card. It will automatically be sent to the mail- If you have questions about this change atients who live in San Juan County
ing address Medicare has on file for you. If with Medicare, please contact the Island Pcan receive free round-trip taxi
you have recently moved, please make sure Hospital SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance service when obtaining medical services
Medicare has your current address on file by Benefits Advisors) team at (360) 299-4212, or from Island Hospital or a hospital-
informing the Social Security Administration contact the state SHIBA helpline at (800) 562- operated clinic.
of your address change. Please note that 58 6900. eligible Hospital services
March for Meals – 2018 Bowling Bash • Birth Center
• Cancer Care Center
eals on Wheels in Skagit County provides seniors with a daily • Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
• Diagnostic Imaging
Mhot meal, and last year more than 3,150 Skagit seniors • Emergency Services
received 145,000 meals – with 85,000 delivered to their homes – • Laboratory Services
through the program. Meals on Wheels depends on financial • Physical, Occupational & Speech
support from the community to continue this vital service. Therapy
Interested in donating? Join the annual March for • Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
Meals campaign to help raise funds and awareness of • Respiratory Therapy
the need in Skagit County. • Surgery Center
• Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine
Join the Bowling Bash – march 24
• Have fun while helping to raise money for Meals on eligible Clinics & off-Campus services
Wheels by sponsoring a team of four to enjoy two games of • Anacortes Family Medicine
bowling, food, refreshments and prizes! The team entry fee is • Fidalgo Medical Associates
$250. Don’t have a team? No problem. If you pay $250 to sponsor a team, bowlers will be • Headache Clinic
assigned to you. • Island Surgeons
• Island Hospital Sleep Wellness Center
make a donation to march for meals • Skagit Regional Clinics – Cardiology
• Local businesses, organizations and individuals can make donations and be recognized at • Skagit Regional Clinics – Urology
the Anacortes Senior Activity Center at the following levels: Platinum - $1,000, Gold - • The Walk-In Clinic at Island Hospital
$500, Silver - $250, Bronze - $100.
• Donations of any amount are welcomed. In 2016, donations of under $100 were made by How to reserve free taxi service
190 donors, contributing over $5,500 to Meals on Wheels! Every dollar makes a differ- Those who wish to use this service
ence in providing meals for local seniors. need only call Mert’s Taxi, (360) 708-6358,
Please make checks payable to Meals on Wheels and mail or drop off at the Anacortes the day prior to your appointment and
Senior Activity Center, 1701 22nd St., Anacortes, WA 98221. arrange to be met upon arrival at the ferry
Visit or call Sally Hill at the Anacortes Senior Activity Center at (360) terminal.
293-7473 for more information. Questions? Call (360) 299-1310.
4 | Heartbeats | Winter 2018