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11 Classes
Car Seat Safety Check Living with Loss
Free child car seat safety checks available for parents or This six-week grief support group is designed to help you
caregivers. process the normal feelings of grief that follow the death of
Where: Oak Harbor Fire Station Whidbey Island a loved one. The group meets once a week.
When: 3 to 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of May, July, Sept. When: 6-8 p.m. Mondays, April 16 - May 21
and Nov. through 2017/18 Where: WhidbeyHealth Hospice Care, Coupeville
Phone: 360.279.4700
Information: Pre-register to reserve your time slot by When: 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays, July 10 - Aug. 14
emailing Where: WhidbeyHealth Hospice Care, Coupeville
Facilitator: Allison Krizner
Chronic Heart Failure Phone: 360.321.1372 or
Heart Failure means the heart muscle is not pumping Fee: Free; Pre-registration interview required
as well as it should. If you or someone you know has a
diagnosis of heart failure (CHF), please contact the Life Nutrition for Health
Center for a free class. You will learn what heart failure Nutrition for Health covers basic nutrition, meal planning, food
is and how to better manage it to keep you in control of label reading and mindful eating. Handouts are included and
your health. there will be time for participant questions.
When: By appointment any time during the year When: 2 to 3 p.m. on the first Wednesday each month
Where: WhidbeyHealth Medical Center Life Center Where: WhidbeyHealth Medical Center MAC Unit Education
Instructor: Kim Arends, RN, BSN Room
Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130 Instructor: Maggie Schuster, RD
Fee: Free; By appointment only Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130
Fee: Free; Pre-registration is required as space is limited
Getting Ready for Medicare
Statewide Health Insurance Benefit Advisors (SHIBA) Managing Chronic Pain Group
are available on Wednesdays at WhidbeyHealth Medical Join WhidbeyHealth Medical Social Worker Mariam Ross,
Center to help you with your Medicare-related insurance MSW, LICSW in a group that helps patients learn how to
questions. Call to schedule a one-on-one appointment safely and effectively manage their chronic pain.
with a SHIBA counselor. You will receive free, unbiased When: Ongoing in Langley from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on Fridays.
advice to help you meet your medical needs. Limit 8. Call first for more information.
Instructor: Joan Wortman or Kati Corsaut, SHIBA Where: Call for exact location in Langley
volunteers Facilitator: Mariam Ross, MSW, LICSW
Phone: Medical Center at 360.678.5151 and ask to set up
a SHIBA meeting Phone: 360.341.5252 ext. 4341
Fee: Free Fee: Free; pre-registration is required
Heartwise Screenings Preventing Diabetes
Heartwise Screenings include a complete cholesterol, Attend a free, two-hour interactive presentation and discussion
triglyceride and glucose panel and risk stratification. about risks for developing diabetes. Discover how diabetes may
A registered nurse will discuss intervention strategies be prevented through simple lifestyle changes. Learn how these
with you and develop an individualized holistic plan. changes can help you lose weight without dieting.
Screenings are held the first Tuesday of each month. When: 2 to 4 p.m. Friday, May 4 (Class repeats , June 15, July
When: 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. First Tuesday of each month 27 and Sept. 14)
Where: WhidbeyHealth Medical Center in the Life Center Where: Medical Ambulatory Center (MAC) Conference
Instructor: Janie Keilwitz, MN, RN, BSN Room, WhidbeyHealth Medical Center
Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130 Instructor: Line Goulet, RN, CDE
Fee: $105 for initial screening /$90 for recheck/Free for Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2661
those eligible; call for more information Fee: Free; pre-registration is required; class limited to six