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           Foundation Update



          Commitment                    Foundation

          Whidbeyhealth Foundation      Here’s a handy look at what
          supports excellence in        the Foundation has helped

          healthcare for every citizen   WhidbeyHealth to provide in the
                                        past year:
          of Whidbey island.
                                        n  Provided funding to expand
                                           Women’s Care to the Goldie
          By committing resources          Street location in Oak Harbor
          to programs, equipment,
                                        n  Installed handicap-access
          facilities and education,        doors to our WhidbeyHealth
          we make a significant            Primary Care Freeland location   Remember the 8s!
          contribution toward a true    n  Awarded scholarships to three

          continuum of care on our         WhidbeyHealth employees
                                           for continuing education
          island.                          programs, which has expanded            Tour de
                                           their capacity to serve patients
          We are committed to giving    n  Updated efficiency in the             Whidbey
          our healthcare professionals     WhidbeyHealth Emergency        One Day • One Island • Choose Your Challenge!
                                           Department with flexible                      .   .
          the tools they need to treat                                                 8 18 18
          patients with compassion                                            
                                        n  Offered financial help to             
          and respect, and to support      WhidbeyHealth Home                   NEW!
          wellness for all our residents.  Health patients-in-need; and                              33, 50,
                                           to all patients-in-need of                                67, 100
                                           prescription medications, low-                           mile routes
                                           cost heart screenings and free                       & family-friendly 10 mile
                                           diagnostic mammograms                                       Most
                                                                          10,000 feet
                                        n  Supported tele-psychiatry      over 162 miles            ride in the
                                           services in our Emergency                                northwest
                                           Department and at Primary
                                           Care Freeland
                                                                         Pre-registration will be offered on both Friday
                                        n  Replaced treatment              and saturday this year so that early birds
                                           chairs for patients             can get riding before the usual 7 to 9 a.m.
                                           receiving chemotherapy at                saturday start time.
                                           WhidbeyHealth Cancer Care
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