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           Steady Standbys                        Hands-Only CPR/AED Training

           You’ve probably seen them at the fairs,   WhidbeyHealth EMS is happy to be able to offer free cardiopulmonary
           fireworks, parades, festivals, marathons   resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) training
           or any of the dozens of events on           to all ninth-graders spurred on by a state mandate that requires
           Whidbey Island. Our EMS team                    CPR be mandatory for high school graduation.  
           performs what are called        “We do             EMS also offers the same training to community groups
           “Emergency Medical         dozens and dozens         or neighborhoods in these skills, while helping them to
           Services Standbys”      of “standbys” in an effort    institute AED programs. 
           at events all over      to not just respond more
           the island. Many of   quickly to a medical or traumatic   Every year the employees of WhidbeyHealth EMS
           these events have     incident at events, but also to   donate one AED and cabinet to an organization that
           a high risk of injury   coordinate with other emergency   shows significant need but doesn’t have the funding
           to participants;       services agencies to ensure     to purchase an AED. The cost is approximately
           other events require   that attendees have the very    $1,200 annually. Here are the public AEDs currently
           paramedic-level        best and safest experience     accessible to islanders, with others soon to be added
                                                                at more locations in Langley and Oak Harbor. The
           services by their insurers.    possible.”           Coupeville locations were donated by the Coupeville
           WhidbeyHealth EMS team       ~ Lead Paramedic      Arts and Crafts Festival Association:
           members are educated by the    Robert May       n  Community Park, Langley
           Emergency Management Institute              n  South Whidbey Sports Complex, Langley
           at the National Fire Academy on best   n  WiFire Parking Lot on Main St., Freeland
           practices to cover events in order to be   n  Front Street at the Knead and Feed Restaurant, Coupeville
           prepared for anything that may arise.   n  Port of Coupeville’s Collections Building, Coupeville
           WhidbeyHealth EMS, along with other    n  Red Apple Market, Coupeville
           emergency services agencies of Whidbey   n  North Whidbey Football and Cheer, Oak Harbor
           Island, are responsible for ensuring the   n  Whidbey Homeless Coalition at The Haven, Oak Harbor
           safety of those who participate at events.   n  Sierra Clubhouse, West Beach

           “Some of this participation is high-stakes
           and highly-athletic like national horse-
           jumping, hydroplane races and intense
           terrain mountain-biking races,” May says.

           “We have to be ready for anything, at any
           time, on any terrain.”

           Children Car Seat Safety                                                                  Lead
                                                                                                     Robert May
           It’s safe to say that we’ve had an                                                        presents a
           impressive number of nationally certified                                                 participant
           car seat safety specialists on Whidbey.                                                   with an AED
                                                                                                     for the North
           WhidbeyHealth is proud to co-sponsor                                                      Whidbey
           quarterly car seat safety checks at the Oak                                               Football and
           Harbor Fire Department and help to write                                                  Cheer Club,
           grants to acquire infant/child car seats for                                              while
                                                                                                     CEO Geri
           those who cannot afford them. (See Page                                                   Forbes, left,
           11 for more info on car seat safety checks.)                                              observes.
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