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           Patient Perspectives

                                                                                   Arlan Thuringer

           Brenda Wilbur                      Arlan Thuringer was “blowing up like a balloon” but didn’t know why.  Oak Harbor

           Coupeville                          “I was up to 204 pounds in July 2017 and at five foot seven inches, that’s not
           Brenda Wilbur says she owes a big   good,” Thuringer said.
           debt of gratitude to general surgeon   Thuringer has had asthma all his life and after being treated for it at a
           Allison Alberton, MD.              regional asthma clinic, a doctor prescribed prednisone.

           “I had a potential life-threatening   “I couldn’t figure out why I was gaining all this weight, so I took a look at
           intestine problem and I was very   the medications I was taking, did a little research and realized it was the
           fortunate to have Dr. Alberton as my   prednisone that was making me fat.”
           surgeon,” Wilbur says.             When Thuringer expressed his concerns about weight gain from the
                                              prednisone to the allergy clinic doctor he was frustrated by his reaction.
           “She was very competent,                                                “I said look at me doc, I look like
           compassionate and caring. In                                            a blown up balloon! ‘Well, you
           essence: She saved my life.”                                            want to breathe don’t you?’

           Sometime later, Wilbur went about                                       That’s what he said to me,”
                                                                                   Thuringer recalled.
           her active lifestyle as usual.
                                                                                   He turned to his longtime
           “I was overdoing my garden work,                                        primary care provider, PA-C
           such as lifting heavy boards,                                           Lauren Bock of WhidbeyHealth
           stones and hoeing and                                                   Primary Care Cabot Drive, who
           I developed a hernia.”                                                  advised Thuringer to stop taking
                                                                                   the prednisone and to enroll in
           For a second time, Dr. Alberton                                         the Pulmonary Rehab class at
           provided Wilbur with surgical                                           WhidbeyHealth Medical Center.
           services and Wilbur
           was thankful she was                                           “I went to the class for three months and went
                                                                          from 204 down to 164 pounds in that time,”
           on the island.
                                                                          Thuringer said. “The nurses Kim, Mary and
           “She did an                                                    Kyrstie were great. They helped me in so many
           excellent job for me                                           ways,” he added.
           once again. I feel                                             The class helped Thuringer gain control of
           WhidbeyHealth is                                               his breathing and his weight by learning
           very fortunate to                                              about breathing techniques, medication use
           have Dr. Alberton on                                           and nutrition. He also attended a monitored
           its surgical team,”                                            exercise program that got him back in shape
           Wilbur says.                                                   and improved this strength and endurance.
                                                                          Days on the treadmill, step, stationary bike
           In a letter to the administrative team   and rowing machines worked like a charm. He also appreciated learning more
           and to Dr. Alberton, Wilbur was sure   about what really makes up a good diet.
           to let them know how thankful she   “I enjoy eating, but I eat less now and eat more vegetables. I’ve learned to
           was for her care.                  read labels for sodium, sugar and fat content. I never did any of that before,”
                                              Thuringer noted.
           “Thank you, Dr. Alberton and the
           entire surgical team for helping me   “I’m more active now. I’m not as sluggish as I was before and I even sleep
           to regain my full and active lifestyle.”   better. I just feel better.”
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