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Health News Nurses Rock
the Zero Rate
WhidbeyHealth Medical Center had
Cataract Surgery on the Island zero device-related infections from
urinary catheters, central lines and
Cataract replacement is ventilators for the past three years.
one of the most common Our nurses are diligent about using
surgeries performed in the proper technique with the care of
United States. Whidbey these devices from insertion to
ophthalmologist Dr. discontinuation and every aspect in
Robert Johnson of Island between and it shows.
Eye Care has performed
thousands of successful According to the Center for Disease
cataract surgeries. Dr. Control (CDC), one in 25 hospitalized
Johnson has partnered patients will get an infection as a result
with WhidbeyHealth to of the care they receive. An estimated
offer cataract surgery at 75,000 patients will die each year.
WhidbeyHealth Medical Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs)
Center, which provides the are a threat to patient safety. Many
convenience of staying on hospitals and healthcare facilities have
island and being home in made the prevention and reduction of
Dr. Robert Johnson performing cataract surgery. only a few hours. these infections a top priority.
For those patients who The most common infections include
want to correct astigmatism as part of the cataract surgery, Dr. Johnson Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
offers residents of Whidbey Island the most accurate and precise cataract Infections (CAUTI), Central Line-
surgery options without the need for a surgical blade. With Laser Assisted Associated Bloodstream Infections
Cataract Surgery (LACS), Dr. Johnson uses the LenSx® Femtosecond Laser (CLABSI), and Ventilator Associated
to create precise and repeatable incisions for the most critical steps of Events (VAE).
your cataract surgery. We are happy to be able to provide Whidbey Island Nurses are
residents with the most advanced technology for optimal vision correction. critical in
“When considering cataract surgery options, people want to know about the the patient
latest options and have often read or heard about laser assisted cataract safe from
surgery,” Dr. Johnson says. these device
“WhidbeyHealth Medical Center has been very excited and supportive infections.
towards our patients’ needs. It’s great to work with a partner who shares
our vision for patient care, while offering the latest technologies and We are very proud
procedures,” Johnson added. to have a rate of zero since
April of 2015!
LACS may be an option for those who want the precision of a laser to ~ Colleen Klamm,
correct astigmatism or with the use of premium lenses to reduce the Infection Preventionist, CIC
need for glasses. Island Eye Care integrated the LACS procedure into
the practice so that patients have the option of big city services with the
convenience of staying on island.
To learn more, call Island Eye Care, 360.240.2020 or 360.321.6662.