Page 5 - Dr. Axe e-book
P. 5


             What are superfoods?

                                                                                     If you want to age slower and live longer, you can pick

                                                                                     donuts or blueberries to be on your team. If you want to
                    Superfoods are natural,                                          win,  go with  blueberries  because  they  have  super

                    nutrient-dense compounds that                                    antioxidants for anti- aging. I’m not saying you can eat a
                    contain high concentrations of                                   specific  superberry  once  a  day,  followed  by  a  double

                    essential nutrients with proven                                  bacon cheeseburger  and  still  expect  peak  results.
                                                                                     SuperFfoods work better as a team. Like the Avengers,
                    health benefits. They’re high in                                 X-Men,  or Power-Rangers  by  their  powers combined.

                    vitamins, minerals, omega-3                                      You can  achieve  super  health  results  by  combining

                    fatty acids, probiotics, or                                      certain SsuperFoods together.

                    just to name a few!

                                                                                                        +                 +

              Over the  past  several  years  I’ve  worked  with  a  range  of             AFRICAN        FERMENTED                 CHIA
              Olympic level athletes, and they all have the same thing in                   MANGO             DAIRY

              common...they’re simply the best at what they do! I like to
              think  of SuperFoods like  Olympic competitors. If you’re              What’s  your  biggest  health  goal? Is  it  to lose  weight,
              picking someone to be on your relay for swimming, do you               detox,  age  slower, build  muscle, or increase  athletic
              want Joe Schmoe, who’s never swam a day in his life, or                performance? Depending on what type of super results
              Michael Phelps? It’s obvious, Michael Phelps is a superior             you want  to see  you’re  going  to need  a  super  plan.  I
              athlete, and if you want to win, you want him on your team.            know everyone has different health goals, so I created 4
              It’s the same with food.                                               tracks for you to follow.
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