Page 319 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
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applicable  depending  on  the  nature  of  the  business  conducted  and  the
                    amount of revenue of the business activity subject to the tax.

                    The code of rules adopted by an organization or business after incorporation
                    for its governance and regulation.

               Charitable Organization
                    Any organization recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26
                    of the United States Code (Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.)

               Charitable Solicitations
                    Any  request  to  the  general  public  for  funds  for  a  charitable  purpose  is
                    considered charitable solicitation.

               Charitable Solicitations Act (CSA)
                    A statute that regulates the activities of persons and entities that raise money
                    for charitable purposes.  Under the CSA, charitable organizations must register
                    and  report  annually  to  the  Secretary  of  State,  and  also  make  certain
                    disclosures when soliciting for charitable contributions.

               Charitable Trust Act (CTA)
                    Nonprofit corporations that meet the definition of a “trustee” are subject to the
                    requirements of the CTA, which empowers the Attorney General to enforce the
                    terms  of  the  trust  as  the  statutory  representative  of  its  public  beneficiaries.
                    Furthermore, trustees are required to report notice of all judicial proceedings
                    affecting the trust, and to register with and report annually to the Secretary of


               Commercial Fundraiser
                    A  commercial  fundraiser  is  a  person  or  entity  that  conducts  charitable
                    solicitations  on  behalf  of  others  in  exchange  for  compensation  or  other

                    When  two  or  more  nonprofit  corporations  consolidate  their  operations  such
                    that  each  of  the  original  corporations  ceases  operations  and  the  resulting
                    entity is new and distinct.  This process differs from a merger in which one of
                    the merging corporations emerges as the surviving entity.

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -308-                                       2018
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