Page 320 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 320
Consumer Protection Act (CPA)
The CPA, protects consumers from deceptive and/or dishonest practices. The
CPA applies to all fundraising activities that fall within the scope of trade or
Copyrights are a form of intellectual property protection afforded to “original
works of authorship” that allow the creator of such works to prevent a third
party from copying, distributing, or adapting their original product. While
these rights are afforded to the owner of the work upon its creation, additional
rights (such as the right to sue third parties for infringement) can be obtained
by registering the copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office.
Cumulative Voting
A manner of electing directors that may be permitted by an organization’s
articles of incorporation or bylaws of an organization. Cumulative voting
permits each voting member to distribute the votes to which they are entitled
to a number of, or just one, candidate.
Direct Lobbying Communication
Attempts made to influence legislation through direct communication with
members of legislative bodies or their staff or with government officials
involved with the formulation of legislation. Also, communication with the
general public that expresses a view in reference to a specific ballot measure.
Disqualified Person
Any person who is in a position to exercise substantial influence over an
organization with respect to a transaction. Influential positions include, but are
not limited to, those who are substantial contributors, directors, officers,
trustees, or family members of disqualified persons.
The act or process of dissolving or terminating a corporation in accordance
with the provisions established in the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act
and the organization’s articles of incorporation.
A person who performs work for an organization with the expectation of being
paid for that work.