Page 325 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 325

access  to  equal  employment  opportunities.    Such  accommodations  are
                    changes  in  the  standard  application  process,  changes  that  enable  the
                    employee to perform the essential functions of their position, and changes that
                    provide  equal  access  to  the  same  benefits  and  privileges  of  employment
                    available to employees without disabilities.

               Registered Agent
                    A person or entity designated to receive legal and tax documents relevant to
                    the operation of business.  The registered agent must have a registered office,
                    with  a  mailing  address  to  receive  notices.    The  registered  agent  may  be  an
                    individual  resident  of  Washington  State,  or  a  corporation  or  limited  liability
                    company authorized to do business in the state.

                    A  formal  expression  of  a  decision  or  motion  of  the  governing  body  of  an
                    organization, adopted by a vote.

               Sarbanes-Oxley  (The  Public  Company  Accounting  Reform  and  Investor
               Protection Act of 2002)
                    Commonly known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, it was enacted to rebuild public
                    trust in corporate America.  In response to several scandals, this act establishes
                    stricter  expectations  for  corporate  accountability,  especially  on  the  financial
                    affairs of publicly traded corporations.  Some provisions, such as those relating
                    to the preservation of records (Title VII) and new protections for whistleblowers
                    (Title XI), extend to the operations of nonprofit organizations.

               Section 501(h) Election
                    An election provides the opportunity for public charities, other than churches,
                    to avoid the ambiguity of the “substantiality” test and to become subject to a
                    more  objective  standard  for  lobbying  activities.    The  standards  set  by  the
                    § 501(h) election allow organizations a greater ability to plan lobbying activities.

               Segregation of Duties
                    The concept of having more than one person involved in completing a task in
                    order to prevent fraud and error.

               Social Welfare Organization
                    A  public  benefit  organization  that  focuses  on  achieving  its  goals  through
                    advocacy and efforts to influence public policy.  Social Welfare Organizations
                    often forego the ability to receive certain grants and tax-deductible donations

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