Page 30 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 30

Appendix E — Template for Developing a Sustainability Plan


                                                             confidence about preventing falls and
                                                             demonstrate measurable improvements
                                                             in functional abilities.

                                                             Strategies for identifying health care
                                                             partners include:
                                                                 • Finding an organization that shares
                                                                common interests and goals as well
                                                                as a shared population and begin
                                                                a conversation.
                                                                 • Inviting a health care leader to participate
                                                                on a planning committee or in program
                                                                outreach. Look for champions who can
                                                                speak to their health care peers.
                                                                 • Learning about opportunities offered
                                                                by the Affordable Care Act, such as for
                                                                evidence-based fall prevention programs
                                                                within Accountable Care Organizations
              • Occupational therapists, who provide            (ACO), Patient-Centered Medical Homes,
             rehabilitation services to older adults            and the Medicare-Medicaid Alignment
             after a fall injury                                Initiative. Information is available at,
              • Community health workers, who care              Coordination/Medicare-and-Medicaid-
             for older adults in their homes
          To receive reliable referrals, programs have to       Coordination-Office/AlignmentInitiative.html
          be offered on a regular basis and health care          • Identifying areas of mutual interest with
          providers must know when and where the                state payers, Medicaid administrators,
          programs are offered.                                 Federally Qualified Health Centers, and

          Think collaboratively                                 professional medical associations, so you
                                                                can work on common goals.
          CBOs can facilitate patient referrals to
          community fall prevention programs                 Other potential partners that can help with
          by building relationships with health              recruitment and marketing efforts include:
          care providers.                                        • Aging and Disability Resource Centers
          See Appendix C for a sample letter to                 (ADRCs)
          health care providers to solicit referrals.            • Aging services providers
          When promoting your program to health                  • Assisted living facilities
          care providers, stress that program                    • Civic groups
          participants gain knowledge, skills and
                                                                 • Employer or retiree organizations

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