Page 31 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 31
• Faith-based organizations Raising awareness among staff and providing
• Insurers ongoing staff training is important for both
implementing and sustaining your program.
• Managed care organizations
• Media
• Who on your staff has marketing
• Medical home initiatives
experience or skills?
• Organizations serving hard-to-reach • Are there volunteers who can help?
• Are staff committed to delivering the
• Outpatient facilities and clinics
program within a specified time frame?
• Parks and recreation programs
For example, you will need to recruit Tai
• Retirement communities Chi masters to implement Tai Chi programs.
• Senior housing sites To implement Stepping On, you will need
to recruit professionals and providers in
Some implementation barriers for CBOs the community. This will be simplified if
include lack of:
you have established links to community
• Knowledge about fall risks and programs and services that address exercise,
best practices. medication review, vision and home safety.
• One or more critical resources
(e.g., staffing, facility space, funding,
or program support).
• Access to the training and education
needed to implement the programs.
• Positive marketing.
Effective solutions include providing:
• Centralized support for professional
• Ongoing technical assistance.
• Access for staff, older adults, and
caregivers to best practices, resources,
programs and tools.
Although it may not require a full-time
employee, overseeing an effective
recruitment effort will require someone with
knowledge or expertise.