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Bingo & Board Learning Games

      Life Skills Bingo Games (Youth and Adult)
      #6339 This set of high-interest bingo games facilitates dis-
      cussions, helps build skills, and assists in evaluating attitudes
      and behaviors on a variety of issues. Includes laminated bingo
      cards, calling cards, and handouts. $42.95 each. SPECIALS:
      $289.95 for 7 adult bingo games;  $667.00 for all 17
      youth/teen games.
          y Alcohol Prevention Bingo (Teen Only)
          y Anger Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)     y Healthy Habits Bingo (Teen Only)

          y Berenstain Bears Good Behavior Bingo Games (Ages 5-10) y Healthy Relationships Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
          y Bully Prevention Bingo (Teen Only)    y Recovery Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
          y Communication Skills Bingo (Teen Only)    y Resiliency Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
          y Conflict Resolution Bingo (Teen Only)    y Self-Esteem Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
          y Coping Bingo (Teen Only)            y Smoking Prevention Bingo (Teen Only)
          y Drug Prevention Bingo (Teen Only)    y Social Skills Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
          y Harassment Prevention Bingo (Teen Only)     y Stress Bingo (Teen And/Or Adult)
      The Ultimate Job and Career Board Game Collection
      #6360 Representing some of today’s most engaging and educational Monopoly-style board games, this collec-
      tion of bestselling products cover it all. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $365.95 for all 7 games.
          y Anger IQ ($42.95)
          y Career Odyssey ($59.95)
          y EQ for Success ($42.95)
          y Interview Challenge ($59.95)
          y Rage to Reason ($59.95)
          y You Can’t Fire the Customer ($59.95)
          y   You’re Hired! ($59.95)

      Stress Bingo (Teen or Adult Versions)   Coping and Resiliency Bingo
      #5580 Stress is a very common problem   (Teen or Adult Versions)
      among teens and adults in today’s world.
      This game helps players learn about stress   #8447 Two bingo games help players
      and ways to reduce it. Handouts reinforce   increase their coping skills, self-aware-
      the concepts and skills taught in the game.    ness, internal motivation, honesty, and
      The game consists of 16 bingo cards, 5 sets of calling   trust. Includes 16 bingo cards, 5 sets of
      cards, bingo chips, and reproducible handouts. $42.95  calling cards, bingo chips, and hand-
                                              outs. $42.95 each. SPECIAL: $83.95 for both.
     Bully and Harassment Prevention              y Coping Skills Bingo (teen)
     #8446 Two bingo games help users identify behaviors     y Resiliency Bingo (teen or adult)
     that constitute bullying and harassment. Designed to
     develop effective attitudes and skills to prevent such ac-  Substance  Abuse and Recovery
     tions. Single versions of each. Includes 16 laminated bingo   #8448  Four  bingo  games  address  key  addiction
     cards, 75 calling cards, and reproducible handouts. $42.95   and recovery issues affecting millions of teens and
     each. SPECIAL: $83.95 for both bingo games.  adults. Each game includes laminated bingo cards,
         y Bully Prevention Bingo             calling cards, and reproducible hand-
         y Harassment Prevention Bingo        outs. $42.95. SPECIAL: $167.95 for
                                              all 4 bingo games.
     Healthy Habits Bingo
      #6229  Provides ready-made  prompts         y Alcohol Prevention Bingo
                                                  y Drug Prevention Bingo
      that generate lively discussion to get      y Smoking Prevention Bingo
      teens thinking about their attitudes and
      behaviors.  Helps  teens  learn  how  to  make  healthy     y Recovery Bingo (teen or adult)
      choices for themselves, physically, mentally, and spir-
      itually. Includes 16 bingo cards, 5 sets of calling cards,
      bingo chips, and reproducible handouts. $42.95   Conflict Resolution Bingo
                                              #6226  Generates lively discussion to get
     Anger Bingo (Teen or Adult Versions)     teens thinking about their attitudes and be-
     #6231 Addresses five anger management areas: triggers,   haviors. Suitable for Grades 5-9. Includes 16
     symptoms, causes, control, and prevention. Comes in teen   laminated Bingo cards, 75 calling cards, and
     and adult versions. Includes 16 laminated Bingo cards, 75   reproducible handouts. $42.95
     calling cards, and reproducible handouts. $42.95

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